
Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Jonathon and Luna were ensconced in a suite, the best suite they could find. It was easy for him. All he had to do was call an old familiar and ask. The money was still there. They were eager to please. After all, blood is not water. And they all hungered for those precious, ruby drops. An elixir, a fountain of youth and health they were. What couldn't they do? Luna was impressed. Well, but then again, she thought all men lived this way. Franklin and most of the agents of The Bureau did. But she still liked Jonathon's style. I think I told you they 'culled' some cheap, little gold digger. You remember. She was out to bust up a family and they could not stand for that. Besides, Jonathon claimed to have seen her in a vision. And you know what they believe about those visions. So they engaged the little bitch in conversaion. Down in the lobby's diamond vendor, I think it was. Lured her upstairs on the pretext of seeing some really top notch, West African 'blood diamonds.' The bimbo (I think that's what they call them now) couldn't resist. Oh, they did have stones up there to show her. God bless those familiars. But they also had other things to show her as well, namely their teeth. Relax, there was not a big mess. They did it in the nine foot, granite 'bathing font.' Look, high priced hotels must have their toys. And this suite looked like a billionaire's Christmas. Want to know what they did? They all  shimmied out of their clothing and settled into the hot, bubbly water. Ahhhh, it felt so good. The little cheapie thought it would get her a better deal on one of the rocks. She had money. Future hubby saw to that. But as it turned out, what she didn't have was a future. First Luna started to make nice. Then, after the two of them were good and friendly, Jonathon taught them a few tricks. Everything was mellow. Everything was copasetic. Just a 'highly' pleasurable evening among new friends. Oh, she did get her money's worth. But then things began to get a little rough. A tiny bite here. A wee nip there. A tingle. A cut. A bigger cut. She tried to climb out. But Luna calmed her and lured her back in. Come on, Jonathon, massage the poor thing. Loosen her up . See? We're all best buds here. Luna leaned in for a kiss. The lights were low and warm. Some  sort of classical accompaniment whispered in the background. And then came the bite, the real bite, I mean. The victim shuddered. I think she even peed in the bath water. A lot of them do that. Jonathon covered her for a little taste too. But this wasn't just his dinner. No, he could always conjure up a vision later. Plenty of people deserved to die. So Luna did it. She drained the brazen bitch dry. They sat there watching as the blue fire mingled with the fragrant bubbles. And when it was over, they rinsed the mess away. There wasn't much. This hotel was prepaired for anything. Their plumbing could handle it.Then they got dressed, took a walk, and sublimated (he did have to help her. although a witch-welp, she did not understand the technique) through a wall and into the shuttered halls of some venerable antique auction house. Freeman's, I think it was.  Luna liked French Empire pieces, finer cameos and things like that. So they discreetly pocketed a few. Oh, don't worry. Jonathon kept a little written record. A familiar would present a check and take care of it in the morning. Vampires often did business this way. And the upper levels of elite establishments were used to it. Look, grow up and open your eyes. Things happen. Magic exists. Get used to it. But they did remember to pick up an exceptionally fine, gold signet ring for Papa. Had to keep the 'big man' happy. And a particularly impressive yellow diamond drop (part of the stash back at the suite) was beautifully wrapped up for Sarah. Must not forget the 'wife'................

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