
Sunday, August 5, 2012

Papa Isn't Very Patriotic, But Actually He's An Illegal Alien AND A Vampire, So what the Hell Do You Expect?.... come on...

Doctor Franklin knows all about what happened in South Hampton. The guys from the State Department told him. They almost got a hold of Grigori too. But one a the kids parking the cars broke into the truck and stole the lead suits (like what Peter Coyote wore in ET, only made outta lead). Vampires can't sublimate through lead. It's like their Krypton, just a whole lot cheaper to get.

One guy did try to stop him. He's dead now..... a greasy puddle of fibers and shredded meat oozing into the Further Lane end of the gravel driveway. That's what happens when a vampire sublimates through a mortal. The government asked the victim's family if they wanted him cloned. Insurance would a paid for it. But they opted for the 'condo in Ocean City, Maryland' alternative, only they gotta buy their own furniture and all. 

I  do not know where that Russian vampire is now. Could be on one a those nautical themed, beachie islands off Cape Cod, or maybe one a the top drawer Jersey Shore towns. They got important people worth killin' there too, you know. It's easy findin' 'em in August, because they clump together, like corn starch dusting powder in sweaty folds and creases. It's what you call 'tradition' I think.

Tomas and Baylah had a go kill people. It was their time a the month. He had a 'vision.' Saw a real bad wife beater sittin' on a front step up in the Far Northeast. Looked like he was drinkin' Coors Lite, but Tomas couldn't tell. Heard kids cryin' down the basement, though. He locked 'em down there when he learned their mutter some manners. It was a 'finished' basement (more like a family room), so it wasn't too bad. They played Legos and video games, or hid their heads under throw pillows. One peed hisself all the time ..... Yeah, Tomas gonna go kill him real good............ Doctor Franklin don't want 'em to go out. Not with Usipov runnin' 'round and all. But he knows about vampires and he knows about visions. Religious vampires (like Tomas and even Baylah, in her own way) do have their standards.

You know he had 'em 'chipped'? They got little tracking devices under their skin. Did it when he studied them. If you're a regular, you might remember when Tomas was suspended in the magnetic field from the Great Armonica. It's like a big, invisible (well, almost) three dimensional, resonating 'spider web'. They like it, actually. Tomas says it feels good.... real good..... Very, Very, real good...... And the white coated lab technicians like to watch, 'cause the vampires are naked and all. Tomas puts on quite a show. But everybody knows what an exhibitionist he is. Luna spent hours in there watching him. She was still mortal then. Used to make like she had to record every little thing, but mostly what she did was look. You should see him twist and shout. Moans too, when he feels like.

I don't know who Baylah's gonna kill. She's funny that way. Likes to keep it to herself. I think she misses her rich, mortal boyfriend down the shore. But the Anti-Enchantment-Bureau people don't want her to go. Too dangerous. The Russian guy might get her. And they don't know how strong he is. 

Papa don't help. He COULD help. Hell, he could be like a real Superman if he wanted, provided all the speeding trains and runaway asteroids happened at night. Only he don't even care. Goin' back into one a his 'quiet' spells. That's when he thinks and travels in his mind, like to the mer-folk, or the manta ray people out in space. sometimes he just wanders 'round the rides at Great Adventure, but you know what I mean.....

Doctor Franklin wants him to help. You know how patriotic he is........ 

Guess that's why they put him on the hundred dollar bill.....



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