
Sunday, March 3, 2013


Baylah made one final visit to Selfridge's. She loved the accessories and a cold glass of wine savored in the rarefied atmosphere of the Wonder Bar was so comforting. Edith bought some toffee at Harrods. Tomas took delivery of his 'bespoke' footwear and Annie shoplifted two Paddington Bears.  An assortment of other packages showed up too. In approximately two nights they'd depart, snug in a private jet belonging to the still missing, Russian, oligarch vampire, Grigory Usipov. Back to the fine, old, tick-tock atmosphere of their own town house..... Back home. The REVELS were interesting and perhaps one year they'd go again. Tomas had quite the profile in certain night-folk circles since his besting of Sir Richard. And Sarah enjoyed hob-nobbing with the influential and august beings assembled there. Remember her book shop days. Good conversation is everything to her. Well, almost everything, for she did instruct Tomas to arrange for a pair or two of tall, trim, oxblood riding boots for her from Foster & Son too. Odd to think that some of the measurements on file there belong to vampires, but they do. A nice, little man from Jermyn Street came out to size her up. She gave him a vial of her blood. There was sickness in his family, so it was only right.

They had a final audience with 'the emperor.' Marcus Aurelius was in a personable mood and so sorry to see them go. He truly believes in the work of 'Golden Dawn.' But Tomas and his people like a freer from of magic. The emperor smiled and called it a 'New World' affectation. Edith asked for an autograph. He gave her a thumbprint too. And wilkravitz got an old, bronze stylus, once used to inscribe secret messages upon wax tablets during the Battle of The Teutaberg Forest. You know, wax could be dug out and re-surfaced, the perfect medium for imperial confidences.

After that, they sat in the rear night-garden. One of the elder witch-women was out there too. She enjoyed the chill, quiet atmosphere, the perfect place for mumbling, humming and whispering songs. Tomas took Sarah's hand. She was his and he was hers, occasional infidelities not withstanding. And as time passed, such indiscretions became rarer and rarer. That's how it is with night-folk. You know the song. Bing Crosby sang it to Grace Kelly in a re-make of The Philadelphia Story.... 'You give to me. And I give to you. True love. True love.'.... They've only been entwined two or three years. Give it time. 

Edith fell asleep, wrapped in a soft, new loden green coat. wilkravitz gazed at the moon. And Baylah made a call to her mortal companion at the Jersey Shore.

In another part of the residence, students of the arcane learned to manipulate ping pong balls and dental crowns with brain waves and hard gazes. Others traveled to Xanadu, the pleasure dome of Kublai Khan. While some just watched Graham Norton.

Conrad, Annie's 'forty year old' vampire sonny-boy' wants his mommy. He can't wait for her return. I don't know too much about Leo, the other one. Minnie and Blackie do their own thing. And 'Papa' (the Cro Magnon, thirty two or thirty three year old Richard Gere look-a-like) is 'Papa,' as always. 

Fairy tales can come true. They can happen to you, 
if you're young at heart. 

See you in Philadelphia. The cherry blossoms 'long the Schuylkill should be blooming soon.

And don't worry who I am.... Some disembodied spirits like their privacy...

thank you. for more VAMPIRE WONDERLAND enter HERE ... (<~~~click on it) . COMMENTS, as well as your links are always welcome. and for some entirely different vampirismo, click on the work of famed Chicago writer MICHAEL SMITH ... or esteemed London writer ANDREW HARDING ... and please, if you like what you find here, tell others.... 



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