
Monday, April 8, 2013

LET FLY THE BLACK MARIA!!! ... night-folk enemies fight back.. 4/07/13

One hundred and thirty seven years ago, America hosted her first world's fair. Some of the buildings, not many, but some, still exist, lost amid the vastness of Fairmount Park. Alexander Graham Bell debuted his telephone there. The emperor of Brazil made the first call. A steam driven 'aerial railroad,' actually a monorail, whisked legions of amazed gawkers over the gas lit midway. 

They called it The Centennial.... America's one hundredth birthday. Forty six million souls scattered over thirty eight states, plus a handful of rough and ready territories. It's estimated that one fifth of the population walked through the gates.  And quite a few were criminals, necessitating the birth of America's first 'modern' police force.  Paddy Wagons appeared. 'Black Marias' they called them. Jonathon says there's a book with that title, by a writer named Mark Graham. I'm told it's very engrossing.

Two of the selfsame, heavy conveyances still exist, locked away in an old garage in University City (college district in the 30's), part of a collection owned by Tobias Maxwell, the ninety four year old standard bearer of an ancient, pre-Revolutionary dynasty. And standard bearers hate to die. That's why he wants a vampire and what better time to go hunting than during the current confusion we have now? He had one refitted... a 'maria' I mean... sheathed in lead, inside and out. Vampires can't sublimate through that. You might say it's their krypton.  Brought in specially bred Percherons to pull it. Strength and speed. That's what he wants... strength and speed. 

Oh, Doctor Franklin and his people at The Anti-Enchantment-Bureau have lead thingies, but they're friends. Tobias Maxwell is not that. He wants the blood. To be truthful, at this time, whether for periodic, minor infusions to keep him going, or for a complete, vampiric translation is still up in the air. 

How he intends to catch a vampire is still a mystery. But Marianne was caught once. Google ~~ MARIANNE IN BRITCHES by Billy Kravitz and scroll around. You'll see. Though I don't think he's fishing for an elferina or elferino. Powerful types like him stalk big game. And in his God intoxicated state, Jonathon (also known as Tomas) has grown quite careless.... He talks to people. He cries with them. And he gives them things. The mother of a sick child gets blood, if she'll take it, and cash if she won't. You know how much money baby healers take? Hard working individuals find gold coins in their pockets after wee hour talks at bus stops. And waitresses in coffee shops get stocks and bonds. Titles to Bentleys... old diamond broaches... I've seen them all.

I am Johannon. I saved him once. Please, help me protect him again....

Now he walks down pitch black alleys, sweeping them clean. Cut throats and thieves beware. Our fit, young Andalucian in fine leather bootkins stalks the night.

But one, much more desperate, stalks him...

thank you. for more, hit KEYS TO THE VAMPIRE WONDERLAND ... your COMMENTS & LINKS are very welcome... 

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