
Monday, June 10, 2013

Man Of Steel - Official Teaser Trailer (2013) [HD] Henry Cavill, Russel ...And JONATHON BEN MACABI (our vampire) has a big scene too.. 6/10/13

Remember, on his home-world Kal-El would not be 'all powerful.' It is the energy from our star and the gravity field of the worlds around it that makes him super. See the film. Coming soon.

What would you do if a trip to another piece of celestial real estate gave you super powers? Got any plans... any costume ideas? COMMENT us, or leave a tweet at .. You know, human strength will be multiplied on low mass planets, like Mars, or the moon (sort of like a planet). Trained weight lifters from Earth will be able to hoist 2,000 lbs.  on our chalky gray sister world. Theoretically, broad jumps of 150 ft. will be possible... at least until our bodies adjust. So according to real science, little Kal-El might have been like Bam-Bam, but big boy, Clark, would be more like Barney. And not the guy from How I Met Your Mother. I'm talking about Fred Flintstone's next door neighbor.

But we're referencing Hollywood.... and that's a  whole other universe.

Now come with me to another part of the forest, as we focus on a vampire hero...

Then they just sat there. The tattoo man was still a little groggy. I forget what he took, or even if he was 'on' anything. But that's not important. He was obviously impaired. Tillie whispered - My God. He looks so pathetic. Let me pinch him. Let me see if that wakes him up.... But Jonathon said - No. He hears us. He knows we're here. He'll come out of it. Perhaps he's just in shock..... Then he lightly slaps his intended 'dinner''s cheeks.... The tattoo man quietly moans. Jonathon leans in and whispers - I know what you did. I know you disfigured those people......... Tillie kicks the 'tat' guy's leg and goes - My brother, you God damned shit.... Jonathon raises his hand and goes - Shhh...... He gives her a 'look' too, so she knows he really means it. 

The tattoo man takes a deep breath, raises his head and opens his eyes. Well, maybe they already were open, but he focuses them, if you know what I mean...... Tillie goes - Show him your teeth! Show him your teeth!..... But another raised finger quiets her.... She whispers - OK.

Tattoo man sniffs and says - How come I can't get up?...... Jonathon makes with a sly, little vampire smile. He likes that look. Does it in front of a mirror sometimes. Shows the teeth real well..... Tattoo man goes - Whoa. You magic, or something?...... Jonathon slowly nods.... Tattoo man goes - Shit.

Then they just sit like that for maybe thirty five heartbeats. Little rabbit hops out of the brush, sees them and freezes.... Tillie goes - Awww..... Jonathon makes a bunch of quiet, little noises with his teeth and his tongue, like what you'd do to call a horse. The little rabbit hops over and snuggles in his lap...... Tattoo man says - Yo, dude, can I pet him?..... Jonathon says - You want to hold him?..... The guy clears his throat and goes - Yeah, I, uh, I, uh, want to hold him..... He's scared. He wants a security blanket.... Jonathon carefully places the warm, tiny bundle in his hands. The potential meal softly hugs the little rabbit up against his chest. He lowers his gaze. It's little head is just under  his chin...... Then he whispers - Are you gonna kill me?..... Jonathon goes - Yeah, most likely I will...... The guy goes - Will it hurt?..... Jonathon shakes his head 'no.' ........ Is it 'cause of what I did? - says the guy. The tattoos and all?....... Tillie gets real agitated. She fishes a picture out of her wallet and shoves it in his face..... What do you think!? You know! You know, you God damn, rotten piece of shit, you! (to Jonathon) Set him on fire! Set him on fire! Don't bite him! Don't bite him! Set him on fire! Do it! Do it! Do it!........... But Jonathon doesn't answer her. He just takes the photo of her mutilated brother out of her hands and puts it back....

Tattoo guy watches everything. Doesn't move much, but his eyes dart all around. It's surprising. Even in the woods late at night, the pupils dilate and people see a lot, especially when they expect to be dead soon. Then he whispers (you could barely hear him) - Now? You gonna do it now?....... Jonathon whispers - Yes........ Guy says - Can I talk first? Can I say something? I want to tell you why......... Tillie goes - Jesus Christ!...... But she sees tears run down the guy's cheeks and doesn't say anything  else....

So they sit there, waiting for him to begin. And if you want to know the truth, Jonathon seems a little sad too...
thank you. tomorrow night we'll share more. but if you want, click on ~>OPEN ALL NIGHT ... and poke around. your COMMENTS are always important and very welcome. remember, you can comment at too. we have about 6,200 followers over there and people will see your link too. make sure you include it in your tweet. good night.


  1. Organized content is the best way to display or post an article, thank you for making it easy to digest your post.

    Tool steel

  2. Much thanks for your intelligent comment. Sorry for late reply. was abducted by aliens and just got back

  3. I turn to a vampire any time i want to. i become a vampire because of how people treat me, this world is a wicked world and not fair to any body. at the snack of my finger things are made happened. am now a powerful man and no one step on me without an apology goes free. i turn to human being also at any time i want to. and am one of the most dreaded man in my country. i become a vampire through the help of my friend who introduce me into a vampire kingdom by given me their email. if you want to become a powerful vampire kindly contact the vampire kingdom on their email

  4. My Name is Tonia willscott from USA, i turn to a vampire any time i want to, I become a real vampire because of how people treat me, This world is a wicked world and not fair to any body. At the snack of my finger things are made happened. Am now a powerful vampire and no one step on me without an apology goes free. I turn to human being also at any time i want to. And am one of the most dreaded and respected person in my country. i am now also very famous and rich with the help of the vampire kingdom. i get what ever a want. i become a vampire through the help of my friend who introduce me into a vampire Kingdom by given me their email: if you want to become a powerful and a real vampire kindly contact the vampire kingdom on their email: for help. it is real.

  5. Welcome to ( New-World Vampire Screed). Do you want to be a vampire,still in human,having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten mines time to a human again, with out delaying in a good human posture. A world of vampire where life get easier,we have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich,you will assured long life and prosperity,you shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness,stronger and also very fast,you will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, this is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture.if you are interested contact us on

  6. Lord Azura Is No Fake,I Know This Now,Neither Are His Grand Elders And Elders. I Said A Lot Of Very Bad And Untruthful Things About The Lord. I Take Back ALL I SAID About Our Most Lord Of Lords AZURA. I Was In A Funk The Day I Wrote This,So It Is Colored With My Anger,And I Feel Bad About It. So Disregard All I Said Negative About Lord Azura And His Kith And Kin. The LORD Is A Very Patient Vampire/Pisach, And Has A Good Heart(SOUL),He Explained Many Things To Me,That I Cannot Divulge,As They Were Meant For My Ears Only!!! ALL PRAISE THE VAMPIRE AZURA, He Is For Real,And Him And His Temple Vampires Are Strong And Intelligent As Well. PLEASE Understand,What Was Written By Me,Was Written Out Of Frustration And Helplessness. To All Of The Vampires That Are In The Temple, I Apologize In All Sincerity!!! The Lord Is A Kindly Being, And If You Need Help,He Is There To Offer It.I Am A Combat Vet From The First Gulf War,And The Second Gulf War As Well.I AM/WAS/ALWAYS WILL BE A MARINE,PERIOD!!! Disregard What I Said In Anger About Our Most High Lord Of LORDS, Is Not True,The Sending Of Money To Nigeria Is,But That, He Cannot Help,Because This Is Where He Now Resides. So Please Do Not Take What I Have Said As Gospel,Take It That I Was Exhausted From Taking Care Of My Ailing Wife, And Lashed Out Like A Fool At The One Person/Vampire That I Could Lash Out At. LORD I AM SORRY, PLEASE FORGIVE THIS MORTAL BRAIN OF MINE,IT IS NOT AS PERFECT AS YOURS AND ALL THE GRAND MASTERS AND ELDERS,PLUS THE KEEPERS OF THE ANGLES. I Beg/No Ask,For Your Forgiveness LORD OF LORDS AZURA,What I Did Was Out Of Ignorance And Anger. Remember, I Am Only Human,And Subject To All The Emotions Humans Have.Please Forgive Me, And If I Can Ever Do Something For You, I Will, ON MY HONOR AS A MARINE. Once Again,Bowing On My Knees, I Ask For Forgiveness!!! Thank You,Your Student,Son And Servant, James. So Gods And Monsters I Exonerate Lord Azura And All Those That Are Vampires/Pisach's For His Temple.Thank You,SINCERELY, JAMES.please contact his email if you are interested , .

  7. We get these probably ersatz vampires all the time... Don't endorse them... They just show up..


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