
Friday, June 21, 2013

MUST SEE TODAY the best of movieclips channels (playlist) ...Oh, you gotta subscribe to this.. If I did things right, should be a touching tribute to James Gandalfini and, as always, some of our poignant bits of EL MUNDO VAMPIRIDO .. 6/21/13

James Gandolfini lost his physical body today. But the rest of him is here. Energy can neither be created nor destroyed... and boy does he have a lot of that. 

If I did this right, the video I 'shared' should have a real nice tribute. I'm not too digitally savvy, but I do my best. 

Take care of yourselves. Eat right. Move and jump around a little. If you do it to music, you can call it dancing. 

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Now here's what our night-folk have to say. I believe we've been talking to RENATE (reh-nah-tay).....

And she says ~~~~ I pity your mortality. Even if you endure for one hundred years that is still but 36,500 days... Maybe a little more, allowing for the leap years. Such calenders you have. Such artifice. Such conceit. Every little tribe thinks they have it right. But who cares about the details? Renate goes by the moon. What more do we need?

Am I the first life-eater (vampire)? No. Those who've journeyed with us for a while know that. There is no first. There always was. Time is only an explanation for accumulated entropy. They who have 'passed' are not erased. All lives still exist.

Though I can tell you a bit about changes you (or your descendants) will see. The primitivism you relish will begin to evaporate. It already is. Each will know the other and nation states will wither. Or rather, Earth will be your nation... and perhaps some other orbs along the way. 

Your children shall conquer the stars. Pity you were born so soon. Yet the atoms of your body will be there when it happens and they will cheer.

Renate knows. I've seen the birth of Sumer and polities far 'older.' Mud and stone and wood were always there. And even children build temples out of blocks. They always have. Legos are not new. There are records of those days. But you will not find them, for the seas have swallowed them up. And calamari swim through tombstones in the depths. 

It's hot. Summer hastens decay. Tiny piercing mouth-parts spread disease. But that's their job. And vampires do the same. I take lives at will. No moral vows for me. I am far too practical for that and was already old and set in my ways when organized morality appeared. 

But I lie. The being you call Jonathon thinks me a saint. And since we are but one or two links apart on the great eternal chain, I permit him to have his illusions. 

Now I rise from the waves and walk toward the shore. Tiny phosphorescent lifeforms say hello. There are houses near the coast and salty, blood-filled people within. They sleep, as I creep close, scratching at window screens and whispering through doors.

And the black beetles run and dance. They say - Renate comes....

Night birds sing my name.....

Flowers kiss my feet....

And even though a human soon will die...
the atoms of their body will go on.....

for more peeks into our world click on~>EL MUNDO VAMPIRIDO ... please leave a COMMENT. please SUBSCRIBE. Share with your friends and visit us on Twitter at ..... thank you...

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