
Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Susan 313 -- Sarah Silverman ..this is what a pilot looks like. COMMENTS?

Not my regular post, but an almost lost semi-precious gem you might want to see. Probably could be re-worked into a good stage show. Sarah plays a song writer, so even a THE GOOD-BYE GIRL for our time. Occasional references to woo-woo's and ding-dong's (not the cakes) so be forewarned. Oh, yeah..also a little like that movie where Burt Reynolds and Jill Clayburgh have this thing and Candace Bergen is the song writer.. I gotta take my stuff outta the drier and agonize over blog stats and not having an agent, so please excuse me... OH! If you DO want to read my stuff, click on the link I always have up~> ... or join me on Twitter~>@wilkravitz ...
And to Miz Susan and friends...Thanks for taking chances.

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