
Sunday, November 3, 2013

THE WORLD WE SEE and THE WORLD THAT IS.... a vampire talks... 11/3/13

Tomas yelled - Son of a bitch! I must get involved in this crap? You, up in the tree, GET DOWN HERE!..... And the other kid who was still up there goes - No, please. Please, no. I'm comin'. I'm comin'. I can't go no faster. I'm carryin' something...... The first kid, already down on the ground and trying to make points goes - He means the camera..... Tomas shoots him a look. He knows. 

Tomas stands under the struggling second kid and goes - You stupid bastard, you! Drop the camera!..... The second kid hesitates. Tomas yells - DROP IT!..... Kid whines - I don't want it to break. It ain't ours. We borrowed it...... Tomas. growing ever more impatient, goes - Do you think that I, with my one thousand years of preternatural existence and coordination like you cannot imagine will fail to catch it!?....
Second kid whines some more, but finally lets go..... The large, professional grade video camera falls.... And Tomas is right under it. He could easily catch it. But at the last instant he side steps and lets it bounce on a rock. Parts fly everywhere. The camera is digitally dead...... The first kid, huddled on the ground winces. The second kid stops where he is and goes - Oh, God. Oh, God. Oh, God..... Then he starts crying. We can hear him. It's pathetic...... Tomas' unseen ghost companion whispers - Kill 'em. Kill 'em. Kill 'em good.... But our vampire hero shakes him off like a mosquito and the kids never heard him at all. 

First kid (with tears streaming down his face) goes - You're gonna kill us, aren't you?..... Tomas goes - No, I said I would not kill you and I won't..... Kid still in the tree goes - You lied about the camera. You lied about that!... And they both cry louder...... The unseen ghost companion starts giggling. Tomas bats him away like a troublesome fly... snaps a kink in his neck, looks at the shattered camera and goes - I just saved your lives. Do they still have brown, shiny ribbon in these things?..... Kid in the tree goes - What?... Kid on ground goes - He means tape, video tape.... Kid in tree goes - What? No! no tape..... Tomas goes - Then how do you record it?..... The kid on the ground hesitantly raises his eyes and says - We don't record it. We stream it live..... Tomas goes - What does that mean?..... Kid in the tree goes - You don't want to know..... Then he ads - Is the mafia gonna kill us?.... Tomas goes - What do you think?.... Then he mumbles something in classical Castilian, or perhaps old Vahmperigo (vampire Romance dialect) ... Second kid quietly reaches the ground and huddles next to his buddy..... Tomas thinks for a moment and says - Yo, Coen Brothers, one of you got a cell phone?.... Second kid sniffs and goes - H-how you know about th-them?... Tomas goes - I live in Center City, in Society Hill, not far from Ritz Movies. You know it? ... The two artistes silently nod.... Tomas goes - So don't ask. Now, who got the phone?.... First kid pulls one out. Tomas gestures. He hands it over. Tomas taps out the number for Doctor Franklin's vast, secret, underground complex beneath the Philadelphia Navy Yard.... Second kid goes - W-who you callin'? Not the mafia? Not them?.... Tomas goes - Yeah, every vampire knows that number by heart. You stupid bastards you..... First kid goes - Then who are you calling?..... The vampire goes - A very esteemed alchemist, I mean 'scientist' and philosopher, Doctor Benjamin Franklin. Ever heard of him?.... Second kid goes - You mean the fat, old colonial guy who diddled all them French women?.... Tomas goes - The same. And he is not a life-eater..... Second kid goes - A what?..... Tomas spits back - A vampire! A vampire! Do I have to speak 'Twilight' talk to you!?... And he mumbles some more old Latin-type phrases, before the old, founding father reprobate answers. They trade a sentence or two. Tomas hangs up, hands back the phone and sits down on the ground with his charges.... A couple dozen heart beats go by. Nobody says anything til the second kid whispers - What are we doing?..... First kid shrugs. Tomas goes - Waiting for a ride..... More silence... Then the trim, Iberian vampirino adds - You think you know the world, but you don't. For the world you see is not the world that is....

And they sit there in the chill, misty woodland night, listening to the slow rhythm of late season crickets...

Second kid goes - I'm cold..... Tomas says - Go sit in the car. (the mafia guy's big, black Chrysler still rests there a few feet away). The kid does..... Tomas sighs.... First kid sighs too, as we leave them there and pull back into the trees... 


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