
Friday, April 11, 2014

Billy Kravitz' vampire wonderland: 37TH BINGO BOY episode 12/6/12 ...FORGOT HOW GOOD BINGO BOY IS... if you like, jump in here & scroll around .. 4/11/14

Billy Kravitz' vampire wonderland: 37TH BINGO BOY episode 12/6/12: Bingo Boy - post 37 Permit me to introduce myself before I begin the tale. My era was the eighteen eighties. I lived in a small room at t... Please... this is not the post. Just the link to get you into the post. Click on where it says -- 37th BINGO BOY episode UP ABOVE and scroll around. If you like sickening carnie tales plus an 'in' to our weird romance in a crooked bingo hall, this is your kind a bees-wax. More #vampirewonderland later tonight. thank you.

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