
Saturday, August 9, 2014

Billy Kravitz' vampire wonderland: JONATHON a.k.a. TOMAS, IN PERSIA DURING THE AGE O...

Billy Kravitz' vampire wonderland: JONATHON a.k.a. TOMAS, IN PERSIA DURING THE AGE O...: The voyage down the Red Sea and around Arabia Felix, as The Yemen was known in those days was uneventful. I fed before we left. Twins, they...

A delightful early episode. Good place to jump in and bathe in the perfumed waters of Old Persia. Our (basically) courtly vampirino, Jonathon, also known as Tomas recollects some early days, spent east of the Levant and south of Muscovy.

Click on that first line, up above to see it. If you like, click on NEWER POST or OLDER POST at the bottom and explore.

Couldn't post a new episode, because we did #ff stuff tonight on Twitter and we do it right. took hours. But this is good. With almost 1,600 episodes, it's like a whole attic waiting to be discovered.

Thanks. And, as always, to see more posts click or to join me on Twitter click  and maybe leave a COMMENT too.

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