
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Billy Kravitz' vampire wonderland: TRADING OTHER PEOPLES LINKS TO RAISE PAGE RANK FOR...

Billy Kravitz' vampire wonderland: TRADING OTHER PEOPLES LINKS TO RAISE PAGE RANK FOR...: Our narrative story continues later tonight. This is something else. I happened to see a post that said sharing easily clickable links to o... HERE IT IS! easy way to spread links around the internet and, as a result, your link too. Quickest way is to hit that little BLOGGER.COM icon at the bottom of your blog posts (if you have it and are on BLOGGER). 

Or just browse the list and chose some you like. Start including them on your sites. At bottom of posts you might say - Here are some other people you might like...

If you have your own sites and would like to be listed here, please tweet me on twitter. Just click TWITTER and tweet the link/links you want featured. Might take a couple nights but they'll go up. 

Links are not in alphabetical order BUT any one link CAN be SEARCHED and found immediately.

When your link/links start appearing all over the web, your PAGE RANK rises. That means if you write about food/recipes and somebody Googles food or recipes, YOUR link/links appears near the top of the list, NOT dozens of pages down.

And PLEASE...all these big red letters aren't the post. You have to click on where it says 'Trading other people's links to raise page ranks' up at the top of all this to go there.

Try it. Might work for you. 

I'm not an expert, but I HAVE discovered certain things. This seems to work. Google Vampire Wonderland by Billy Kravitz, you'll see.

If YOU have any good promo ideas, spread them around. share on Twitter. A rising tide raises all boats.

Sincere thanks,



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