
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Sad Episodes can be good ones... Listen to ALL the MUSIC down at the bottom at the end. Billy Kravitz' vampire wonderland: From "On the Town" - Some Other Time! - Eileen Far...

Billy Kravitz' vampire wonderland: From "On the Town" - Some Other Time! - Eileen Far...: She gave then scarves and mittens. Every year she made them new ones. And they sat on the floor of the little caretaker's cottage liste.... I'll put up a new post after we do our #realSNLtalk after #SNL goes off, but til then, revisit this episode from almost a year ago. Everybody sees night-folk differently. Tomas is having a crisis of faith. And (in our story) the civilized world is in chaos. But the circle turns and seasons change... We do too... Please enjoy the music...


if you like, join me during tonight's Saturday Night Live broadcast on Twitter at #realSNLtalk.

don't be afraid to jump in and comment too. please... I hope you do.

then after, give me time to run to the bathroom and grab a snack before adding to the tale that is #vampirewonderland,

for more click GARDEN GROW and wander through all our 'plantings.'

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