
Saturday, February 7, 2015

The High Hatters - Look For The Silver Lining, 1929<~~ Billy Went time Traveling ..2/7/15

It was GREAT!... That grotesque, broken up, nineteen thirties era Groucho Marx wax figure thing sent me time traveling tonight. I was real scared at first, but Edith (who's sensitive about these things) felt he seemed to be sincere, so I went. Look, the worst that could have happened is I'd be stuck there, back in 1929. I'd buy up shares of International Business Machine (IBM) for peanuts and become a multi-multi-millionaire, go to Los Angeles, get a job at RKO or MGM and make movies. Think it was easier to do that back then.

Sure, the entity wanted to get rid of me. Made Edith go play slot machines too. Wanted to be all alone with Jonathon. Wants to talk him into doing you-know-what (go back a couple posts to find out what).

Gave me a real sharp, Botany 500 tweed suit.. a nice fedora... top coat and two hundred dollars in those old, big, greenbacks they used back then. Zapped me to Twenty Third and Market Street... the Erlanger Theater, to see SALLY, a new 'color' Vitaphone musical. Then I found Jonathon (remember, being a vampire, he was around back then too), filled him in on what his future self was up to and took him for drinks at the City Bar in the old Ritz Carlton Hotel. Gotta say, those Elliot Ness cars were real cool.

Brought back a souvenir record and sheet music from the theater concession stand. Used to sell them back then. Saw a few of my old family members too. Couldn't talk to them. Had to promise not to do that. But did send a postcard to a certain great grandfather tipping him to the coming October crash. Must have listened, 'cause that part of the family didn't lose much...Whoa! I did that!

Then, when the MUNICIPAL TIMEPIECE, the great, glowing, clock face, high atop the lofty, five hundred foot, Second Empire tower of City Hall struck 3AM, I was back... Not an instantaneous jolt. More like walking through a mist. I hailed a cab and came home.

The townhouse was quiet. Edith was still at the casino. Sarah was out too. The entity was gone, for now. I could tell. Oh, the battered wax figure was there. It still occupied the chair across from Jonathon, only, being empty and all, had a limp, lifeless look.

But Jonathon was thinking. So I turned out the light and left him there, bathed in the glow from the gas powered hearth. He likes that setting. Reminds him of Federalist times. Then I went up to my cozy, little room under the eaves. Though while I climbed the stairs, I thought I heard the old, wax figure laugh.

Please listen to the early recording up above. You might like it. 

And pay attention to the words...

<more next time>


learn more... google Vampire Wonderland by Billy Kravitz... but before you click... ad a word... ANY word... then click... she where it takes you.

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