
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Billy Kravitz' vampire wonderland: These are the days of EL RANCHO TEXACO ..... What ...

Billy Kravitz' vampire wonderland: These are the days of EL RANCHO TEXACO ..... What ...: Sometime it get real quiet in there. Sky-ponies settle down durin' hot part a day. Got air-conditioning, but not much. Ponies be tetchy ...Murder on La POLVAROSA. One of the Texaco sons goes missing. Family gathers. But ranch hand, Whitey, got something. He found it ... a finger... a chewed off human finger... Mister Alec's finger... and he (Whitey) stick it in a real safe special place.

Then he ride the tank-bus into 'town.' Knows a guy who can do stuff. Gonna give him the finger. Not that way, but you know what I mean.

Barsoom (pronounced BAR-sum)is quite a place.... 'Red Rock's' best. Y'all gone have grand kids livin' there one day. Might as well go see. 

Jump in and scroll around... MARS is callin'...

< this EL RANCHO TEXACO story arc/film treatment is among our most popular>


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1 comment:

  1. Dude that monster was a little demented for what I thought was kind of like a zombie in wonderland series you got going here :?


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