
Saturday, April 4, 2015


Couldn't 'channel' a blog post. Had to do my #ff stuff on Twitter and we have a big group that likes to take part. Plus, went to a Passover Seder dinner earlier (a redemptive service held in the home, built around a communal dinner). Like the spiritual part. Like the food too. Brought home a Tupperware container of sweet and sour meatballs. Been eating them like popcorn. Not with my fingers, though... with a fork. 

Then my on-line file of #PeopleWhoLikeToTakePartInFF got all screwed up and I couldn't remember everybody's Twitter handles on my own. That's why it pays to have relatively simple handle that's the same, or close to your actual name... You want people to remember it, don't you?

New, little, bundle of a great nephew (six months old) bounced around, smiling and gurgling all night from his bouncy-saucer toy with all the lights, music & toys hanging around it. Dance to the music! A sheer delight. 

Alpha dog (there are three) got tired of being chased away from baby's face and toys, then remembered she has her own nice toy basket filled with frequently laundered festive, stuffed, prey-substitutes in the inglenook and 'killed' a few deliriously grinning, cartoony squirrels and weird, clown hybrids. When he saw that, baby wanted HER toys... uh oh.

Everybody ate too much brisket and chicken breast thing.. No family fights ( a plus) and the macaroons ( a classic Passover dessert) were moist.

We left the door open and poured a cup of wine for the Prophet Elijah, believed to descend from Heaven to proclaim the advent of The Messianic Era on First Night. But we didn't see him, unless he was hiding in the garage. Somebody played with the hockey sticks, so who knows? (maybe he thought they were shepherd's crooks?)

Other stuff happened too, but I am SO tired. Divine Redemption does that, you know. 

Important thing is whether you and yours celebrate the EXODUS or the RESURRECTION all the best for a joyous and meaningful time.

< back to the night-folk next time>


see it all ~>HAPPY ...
join me on Twitter... click ~>HOLIDAY...
please comment. thank you.

1 comment:

  1. You are surely right about those twitter handles and they should do something about the clutter on there. All that money and they can't add updates like that? Sheesh glad you got some good cooking in


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