
Thursday, July 9, 2015


Albion exposes us to spiritual entities~~~

Albion whispers. He says - Some are vain about their lost physical forms. They always manifest as they looked in life. Others no longer care, or even remember such things. But they still think and their thoughts condense into visions. The Midnight Zepher is one of those. I don't know if he still has a name. I call him that..... 

Then he thinks for a few heartbeats and says - Look how you're here, but you're not. Yet you know my words and even something about my feelings. I can feel you. Not as individuals, but as a spiritual mass, an aura, a blanket. Maybe we all play 'the ghost' at times?

We're in the loggia of some Parkway museum. The heavy, bronze lanterns hanging from the ceiling (what else would you call it?) are turned down low... not really dark, but dim and shadowy. A few homeless guys curl up under their summer blankets (seasonal change is good, you know) ... They look like impressionistic sculptures. Albion sits there, pensively hugging his knees, a vaguely gallic, more or less pubescent boy, staring at the night.... Then a breeze kicks up.. not cool, warm and thick. The gallic, elferino boy flashes a wry smile. He knows. The ghost is here. Heat lightning radiates in the distance. Sleeping men slowly roll toward the shadows.... Shadows mean shelter... It's good to hide. But one man begins to mumble. He paws at his skin till it bleeds. Then he screams --- The bugs! The bugs! Oh, PLEASE, God, make them stop!! ... A neighbor growls - Yo, you bastid, this ain't GONE WITH THE WIND . Them 'animules' ain't killin' you ... But he stares wide eyed, as millions of nickel sized bed bugs swarm up from cracks in the sidewalk, stream under the blanket and torment the man . They even bite his eyes. He thrashes. He vomits. But they eat that too ,before streaming down his throat for more. He trembles. The blood dries up. He belches. It's over. All are as they were, physically, at least . The breeze moves on and dogs begin to howl. Albion looks into the camera (if we HAD a camera ) gets up and moves on. We 'hear' his voice. --- You've probably felt 'The Zepher' too....


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