
Wednesday, September 2, 2015

#HomicideWanderers Face Big Problems ... 9/2/15 .

QUICK SHOT -- The bedroom floor in front of the opened closet door. The small safe, banged up and broken lies on it's side, amid old scattered shoes and vintage copies of Confidential Magazine. All illumination comes from a discarded nine volt, keychain light lying on the floor.

QUICK SHOT -- The safe... It's empty.

QUICK SHOT -- The backdoor is wide open. The house is dark....

LONG SHOT -- (the narrow back alley) Two figures race from the camera, toward light and the cross street beyond. The taller one carries a pillow case filled with loot.

INT. --(Cousin Mike's cellar) moments later... Ca-Ca and Mike sprawl on the sofa out of breath.

AUNT CONNIE -- (VO) What's all that noise? What you kids doin' down there!?

MIKE -- Nothin'! Scary movie! Best part! Shut up! Go back to sleep!

She mumbles. A door slams. It's quiet. Our juvenile burglars catch their breathe.

Ca-Ca goes to say something. Mike shuts her up. He looks up toward the door leading to the kitchen. Then he hoists the pillow case, waves it around and grins. Ca-Ca grins too, as he turns it over and sends a thick, heavy blizzard of twenty dollar bills raining down upon her.

QUICK SHOT -- Neat stacks of bills on the floor....Not flat, crisp, new bills... Old, flattened out, crumpled ones.

Mike (whispers) -- Twenties... all twenties...

Ca-Ca -- (whispers) H-how much?

Mike -- Thirty six thousand...

They sit cross legged on the floor, looking at it.....

Ca-Ca -- How much is that a week? Like in a pay check. I can't think anyway else....

MIKE (sighs) -- Gimme a minute....

She looks... He continues -- If there was like a hundred weeks in a year it'd be three hundred and sixty bucks a week. So, I'm thinkin' fifty weeks... half that....

Ca-Ca --- So it's half three sixty?

Mike -- No! Double! Double! Seven twenty! Seven twenty!

Ca-Ca -- Oh... (quietly) and Tim goes with us. He don't wanna. I can tell. But I ain't leavin' him here....

Mike (turning toward the muted 30's Frankenstein film on TV -- So? Kill him too...

Ca-Ca (whispers) -- Very funny....

He chuckles silently and makes crazy eyes at her.... She looks away... While on the screen, Frankenstein's Monster grins maniacally....

They sit in silence for a bit.

Mike (a light goes on in his head) -- Don't forget. Half is mine.....

She nods.

He continues -- Then it is only three sixty a week... He laughs.

She just looks at him..

Mike -- I'm gettin' a new guitar...maybe an SUV...

She looks at him... But this time a little different.

SHOT OF THE STREET -- Gray, cold morning...

Ca-Ca walks home carrying an old Spiderman lunch kit. Looks like it must have been her cousin's. That's where the money is...

Timothy peeks out his window and sees from across the street... But she doesn't look up. She just takes out her key (from a lanyard around her neck) unlocks her door and goes in...

<to be continued>


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