
Friday, September 25, 2015

JUVENILE KILLERS (and their parents) BECOME LAB ANIMALS... 9/24/15

Doctor Franklin sat across from a petulant Ca-Ca and explained - No, we can't get you in to see the Pope. Stop it. Stop it. And Don't give me that look. This isn't Star Gate whatever you call it. And if you kick me one more time, I'll have you locked up in the worst 'baby jail' on earth. You ever see Midnight Express?..... Ca-Ca goes - Yeah?.... He continues - Like that, but minus all the amenities....... What's 'amenities'? - You ugly old man you....... He studied her for a few seconds, then threw back his head and yelled - Enema girl! Get the enema girl!! Where's the God damned enema girl, you sons a bitches? She wants another one!!!......No! No! No! -screams Ca-Ca, as she climbs on top of the piano (they're in the rather opulent 'residence').... Doctor Franklin catches his breath and says - You are not here because we like you. We gave you a choice, avoid incarceration, plus I don't know how many law suits, in return for allowing us to study you. And by 'you' I mean Timothy and your parents too. The others have been quite amenable ..... Aide runs in panting and says - She's cleaning her fingernails. The enema girl's cleaning her fingernails. Give her two minutes..... Franklin nods, turns to the naughty, little killer and goes - Well, what will it be, naughty, little killer girl? And get off my piano.....

Ca-Ca climbed down.... The scientifically preserved patriot said - We only did those enemas to get DNA samples. Colonic walls have extremely ripe cells. And I assume after your ordeal, you know what we mean by 'colonic walls?'..... Can I see the vampires? - she said..... No - went the Doctor.... But, I seen,  Dr.Luna. She's a vampire. She TOLD me! - said Ca-Ca..... Well, then you've seen one. So what are you bothering me for?... She sighs and says - This isn't gonna be fun, is it?...The Old Reprobate simply shakes his head- Not for you. And not so much for Timothy, though he's a lot less guilty than you are. Both sets of parents are a different matter. Jury's still out on them. But your mother's gonna lose weight whether she likes it or not. We also want to study metabolism in the morbidly obese...... She once lost a Slim Jim under part of her belly for a long time. Gas man found it...... How'd the gas man find it? - asked Franklin... He was lookin' for a wrench - said Ca-Ca, as she mimed using one..... Doctor Franklin just shrugged and poured himself a cup of tea.

A couple of large, white-coated attendants entered and motioned for Ca-Ca to follow... Do I have to go with them? - she asked..... Yes, you do. Blood tests and brain sonograms - he said..... She exhaled and fell in behind the crisply attired twosome. The Doctor watched, as she bowed her head and walked out... Then he rang a bell. Soon a staffer silently entered with a lacquered tray, bearing a steaming bowl of savory Hunan fare. He unwrapped the ebony chopsticks and began to eat. Then he tapped a button. The Impressionist painting above the mantelpiece flickered to life, becoming a flat screen TV. Mustn't miss The Andy Griffith Show, you know. He even whistled the song as it came on... Aunt Bea was a particular favorite... rather like he'd look (he felt) had he been born a woman.

In other parts of the facility, strange creatures and beings keened and sang their night songs. An 'almost' giant squid undulated through limitless iridescent shades in its tank. And the merfolk formed a tails-in circle and slept. A Jersey Pines 'witchy-man' hung suspended in the throbbing sound-web of the Grand Armonica, as the vibrating, harmonic frequencies scanned his body (and made changes).

This is where they did the 'science' that other scientists would not do. This is where they did the 'Philadelphia Experiment' during World War 2. This is where the people dance with ghosts....

The 'Anti-Enchantment Bureau,' grown from The Junto, still survives today...

<more next time>


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