
Thursday, March 17, 2016


This is not a regular post. VERY HARD to post while dog sitting. I am prisoner of SOVIET PUPPIES... Want to continue DOWNTON ABBEY series and put up a bit about latest intrigue with Philadelphia vampires and nosy neighbors, Constance and Lars. But tonight is different.

Was watching TV FX show #TheAmericans.. Love that show (about Russian spies embedded in pre Soviet collapse America). Big writer/producer JOEL FIELDS ... (clickable to his Twitter account) is on line and all should follow.)

Show gave me ideas for other themes....

Here's one----


In near future governments have tiny sensors planted all over cities. Sensors constantly sample air for various DNA signatures. Every time we exhale tiny bits of our DNA float out into the vapor. In this way govs can track almost everyone. They even recruit population at large to help. EXAMPLE - speakers might say --- Attention populace, the 'arch criminal' Joe Blow is living in vicinity of First Street and Second Avenue blah blah blah...very bad individualist (FLASH PICTURE). Bring him to justice and receive many fabulous luxury gifts from grateful OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OPPRESSOR...(or whatever)

We follow a few people running for their lives... sort of like THE FUGITIVE..

Imagine even being afraid to draw a breath...

after all... Everybody has to breathe<~~~ tag line.

Second show is somewhat similar too.


Germany in the 1930's and 1940's....

Forty Thousand Jews hide in plain sight in Berlin with false papers proving they and their families are Christian and have always been so for generations.

Some are inducted into the armed forces

Some work for Nazi hierarchy.

What was that like?

Imagine... nothing to fear...

except every single move they ever make...

This is based on real events. About forty thousand people are known to have survived this way.

They did call each other 'Submarines.' Some had small children with them... Think about the crushing fear...

I think these two examples would make good stories, on say FX or Syfy...

OK, that's it... Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to post out regular ongoing tale..

Thank you ALL!



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please comment. appreciate everybody!


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