
Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Vampiric Entity Known as Papa goes on..【Dark Classical Music Piano 06】Chopin: Waltz No.10 B minor Op.69-2

They sat in the den. Roland took everything in. He'd never been in the townhouse before. Billy waited for 'Papa' to start talking again. The twenty eight thousand year old entity was like that. Time meant nothing to him. He remembered wooly mammoths and giant ground sloths like you remember some neighbor's yappy puppy or Lion-el and The Thunder Cats. He saw languages rise and fall. Dogs were domesticated. Saber toothed monsters killed children.... and not just children. Our modern world seemed dry and brittle to him. 'This too shall pass'--- that's how he saw it. But he was a vampire, or more precisely something beyond a vampire. Time did that. Oh, 'Papa' still had fangs and he could kill.  Once in a while he did, though he could do other things too.

Suddenly Billy realized that the room was cool. No air-conditioning. It wasn't on. But the room was cool. Papa noticed. He said - I like to be comfortable. The atmosphere emanates from me. I 'think' therefore it 'is.'... Billy nodded and asked - Can you get them back? Jonathon, Sarah and the rest, I mean..... Papa shrugged - I suppose so, when it's right. You know, centuries ago, not millennium, just centuries, they called parallel universes 'fairie.' It's where Rip van Winkle was. In this land, 'America' I mean, the old New York Knickerbockers used to go back and forth all the time....... Can people in New York still do that? - asked Billy...... No - said the All Powerful One. Universes align and realign just like planets. There must be points of contact. They open up and they close. Do you know there are 'twin' universes? The portals stay open for, I don't know, maybe forever. You see, In an infinite omniverse all things are possible...... Then he glanced at the elferino, Roland, who was busy with a silver sided Rubik's Cube. They were all silver sided, every surface. What difference did it make? But the elfin creature acted like it did.... Papa said - Does he speak?.... Billy said - Yes, actually. Telepathically too, I think..... Oh, I know - said Papa. I was just making an observation. How childlike they are. How pure and true. You know, they're rare? They pop up every few thousand years. You're lucky to have them..... Billy nodded.... Roland beamed, as if he'd actually 'solved' the puzzle. Papa studied him for a few heartbeats and smiled. Then he said - I'll try to find the others. The 'born witch,' Pig Blood Annie, was just a fluke. Sometimes it happens that way... He picked up the large pickle jar and watched her struggle amongst the threatening waves.... My 'snow globe.' I'll keep her for a while and then put her back where she belongs. Believe me, she'll be 'schooled' and won't try these things again.... Billy asked - How can you be sure?..... Papa said - Considering all you know about me, do you really have any doubt?.... Billy quietly whispered - No....

Then they sat there in the cool comfortable ether emanating from the twenty eight thousand year old being that looks like a thirty two or thirty three year old Richard Gere. Each one dusted by the dim, orange glow hovering in the middle of the room....

And that's how they spent the night.....

<more next time>


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