
Monday, November 7, 2016

Jekyll & Hyde " Façade " .. our Vampires Identify with that.. 11/7/16

Giacomo never met up with Jonathon later that night. He made his way back to the beach house on his own. Not that his powers of sublimation are on a par with Jonathon's, but he's more than able to 'radiate' his atoms through the air, which is what sublimation is. Please don't think a nebulous, comet-tail-like streak, as in Star Trek. This is not a transporter beam. The atoms move ever so slightly apart, just enough to let 'foreign' atoms pass through. But light, at any level, refracts differently through a sublimating body rendering it invisible. In that way did Giacomo move about. He enjoyed expensive cars and has an extensive collection of Bugattis at his villa in the Lake District back home. The thing is, sometimes his vampire nature over rides what's human and the night-folk aspect always wins. Oh, Jonathon's a moral, believing soul now, yet vampire nature's vacillate. Some 'change' every few decades. Others change over centuries. Who knows what the future might bring?

They met in the great room just before dawn. The draperies were opened. The lights were low. They sat in the big club chairs and stared at the surf, as before. Giacomo began rattling away in his Neapolitan dialect. Jonathon caught some of it, due to overlap with his Old Andalus tongue and Vahmperigo (old vampire, Western Mediterranean language), but Baylah couldn't follow, save for what she picked up telepathically. Her mortal boyfriend just sat at the piano shaking his head. He liked to play and accompanied them with a soft rendition of Stella by Starlight from the classic nineteen forties, romantic ghost tale, The Uninvited. Many paranormal fans reading this might enjoy it. Go look on You Tube. You'll find it.

Jonathon listened to Giacomo's rapid fire rant, but refused to respond. The newcomer began again. Still no response. Giacomo fumed. The piano playing rich boyfriend giggled, but real quietly. He didn't want the vampires to hear. But Baylah (his vampire enamorata) heard and she giggled too.

Then Jonathon said - Tu tienes hablar en ingles, por favor. La dama no lo entiendo su lingua... Giacomo exhaled. He understood and switched to English (which he called 'American') so the Tuareg Princess from Timbuctu might understand. Was he proficient in it? Enough, picked up during nights as a gigolo (vampires don't feed every night, even vampires like him) on the Isle of Capri and Stromboli, a coast, during the season, lousy with lonely British and American heiresses. Thus his accent was a mélange of Southern Italian, the gentle sounds of The Home Counties and The Welsh Baronies, which had little to do with Wales, but represented a string of posh towns along the Mainline suburbs of Philadelphia. Jonathon rolled his eyes at the incongruity of it.

Seemed the newcomer was fed up with vampire facades. He thought beings like Jonathon, Baylah, Sarah and all other vow-taking, 'moral' night-folk were self-deluding jokes.

He said - Tell me, did I not destroy an evil man tonight? (referring to the pimp)... Jonathon nodded.... Then he added - Did I have, or rely on any so-called, Heaven sent visions?.... Jonathon shook his head... And is the world, the mortal world, a better place because of my actions?... Jonathon whispered - Yes.... This time Giacomo nodded. He said - Well, wait for your God damned 'visions' if you like. Take out one a month. Hobble yourselves. But think on this. There is no shortage of 'trash.' They breed like flies and maggots. Look at the 'haters' on that 'Twitter' you love so much. Some are just fools. Others can't wait to start the killings again. Indeed, they years from nineteen forty-five till now are wasted time to them. Imagine plucking one out every night. No, not one, two or three. Who cares? There'd be little evidence. The 'cold' blue flames take care of that. A plague of spontaneous human combustions. You know how the press handles it. Those mortals you love so much are so dumb. I hear your dogma, 'not the Shepherd, but the sheepdog.' Well, be a wolf. Take them out.

So, you're a Franklinite? - said Jonathon....

Yes, I am - answered Giacomo...

Then no one said a word, till the newcomer added - Excuse me. I feel peckish and want to kill again before I sleep..... He got up and quickly sublimated from the place.... The mortal piano player switched to a nineteen thirties song - 'Just around the corner, there's a rainbow in the sky. So let's have another cup of coffee. And let's have another piece of thigh.'.... He changed that last word, in honor of their Neapolitan guest.

Baylah sighed, got up and fixed herself an iced vodka. She said - Anybody want one?... She knew her rich sweetie tickling the ivories did. He always did... but Jonathon just said - No...

<more next time>


click THIGH ... to see all episodes of Vampire Wonderland, but the people who run the site switched it up and now people have to click the 'subscribe' rectangle near the upper right corner of the screen. then you go to a new page which is just an update of the one you're already on BUT you can scroll down and click on individual pages and they tell me... I'm not that digital savvy...

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listen to the music up above too. It's from Jekyll and Hyde, a strangely seductive musical for the stage ...

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