
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Jonathon Goes Rogue ... exploration of a Netflix series #vampirewonderland 'episode' 9/11/18

OK, here's the image... a long dark, narrow dormitory lined with cramped metal cots.... maybe six to a side.... What's left of the dingy crumpled blankets on each (and whoever was in them) burns with discrete blue flames..... Someone stands in the far doorway.... It's me, Jonathon... I just 'evicted' a dozen, old homeless bastards from the third floor room of The Arch Street Shelter, Philadelphia's oldest house of succor and refuge... After the third one, I really couldn't ingest all the blood, but I drained them anyway. The red elixir ran down my chin and lacquered the old wood floor.... But they were dead, thus the 'cold' blue fire..... I'm quiet. They slept right through it..... The staff will go berserk. Twelve cases of 'spontaneous human combustion' in one night has got to arouse suspicion....  What can I say?..... Whoops.

Fallen vampires fall hard.... and I still haven't hit the ground.

The others scattered. They want no parts of me. Our band was 'noble,' culling the wicked... preserving the worthy and all that... Eh... What can I say?... Things change... You know how it is.... One night I just snapped.... Some poor, hard working woman in a bus shelter eyed the emerald, art deco dinner ring I'd just slipped on her hand. She quietly asked - For me?... I nodded.... She stared at the glittering stone. as if hypnotised.... I said - You can sell it. It's worth a hundred and thirty five thousand... She gazed some more, then sighed and said - You couldn't have given me cash??? .... So I killed her, then carefully retrieved the Cartier bauble from the greasy residue ... Who the hell was she to lecture me?... That's how it started...

Edith, my Jersey Pines witchy-woman housekeeper, sensed something later that night when I returned.... She said - Where's my Seek and Find word puzzle book?... Still on the magazine display at CVS, you poxy cow! - I snapped... But she just gave me a strange, hurt look as I retreated up to my snug, dark, sleeping cabinet.... My consort, Sarah, sniffed as I settled into the umpteen thread count Egyptian cotton sheets and rose petals (specially sent out to us by 'familiars' in certain remote Balkan valleys).. Did she smell all the blood on me?.... O course.... But that one is a subtle vampirina and we'd talk later...

The indiscriminate slaughter continued. Local 'familiars' embedded in various civic bureaus and organizations (such as the police force), who ran interference for us, began to tentatively question me.... so I dismembered one and distributed his body parts to the others (via Fed X, I think). So much for the questions..... Financial familiars stopped embezzling too (most vampires let them get a little taste) but that was only an ancillary effect.

Those in Philadelphia who knew the truth about our town's night-folk presence shored up their defenses. Many built lead lined sleeping chambers. Vampires can't sublimate through lead..... but we can sublimate through inlaid, walnut, hardwood floors... It's amazing how many influential burghers forgot about that..... Whoo! I'd spiral up at the foot of the bed, make Marley's Ghost noises and finish them off while they were still pissing the mattress.

Lately, my favorite thing is plucking wee hour solitary subway riders from amongst the living, as that loud, rumbling and screeching conveyance rattles obliviously along... How threatening I look in the flickering, dead gray light.

Do I sleep 'home' most days?.... No.... I attend to security too and have 'dead boxes' in dark hidden corners.... Sarah, Conrad, little Annie, sometimes Baylah and even 'Papa' still gather in the townhouse inhaling the aroma of their much loved scented candles..... I don't molest them.... That's how I am.... After all, I still believe in God... And that makes it all so very painful......

But I can handle that.....

click THE KEY TO IT ALL ... to see all episodes posted... I intend to post quite regularly again and with about 2,000 posts up there, there are many undiscovered nooks and crannies.... go see... All will be appraised of the reason for our absence in due time....

click RIGHT HERE .... to join us on Twitter.... we almost always return the favor... ours is a very supportive group... if for some reason we haven't yet returned the favor, tweet us and we will.

thanks to all our friends.

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