
Saturday, May 18, 2019

This Post Explains Some Real Life Health Issues the Vampire wonderland Way

It is I Jonathon and tonight I'd like to explain why you haven't seen me much these last few moons... maybe it's been more like years? Who knows? Night-folk don't count days. We count heartbeats and raindrops and moonbeams. We count clouds sailing 'cross the stars and solitary souls crying in the night. I sit in the 'little library,' my favorite room, and I think. I think abut the small ghost boy who used to keep me company... the little polio victim. But he's moved on and our townhouse is poorer for it.. I think about all of them, mortal and night-folk. They're not so different. Each is a soul destined to glide 'round this Earth for a time and then pass on to somewhere else. For some the passing is peaceful. They drift off in bed surrounded by their loved ones. Others die alone in dark cold shadows chilled by the rain, but secure in God's love. I talk a lot about God. I'm sure there are those who think that's odd for a vampire. To that, I must answer - They don't know vampires.... We are not all the same, just as mortals are not all the same... Please permit me to let it go at that.

It's dark but I can see between the the deep green, velvet draperies that blanket the bay window. There's a streetlight a little way down the square. I say 'square' instead of 'block,'.... an affectation of the seventeenth and eighteenth century... from Penn's time... and a lifetime or two later, Franklin's. A thin, pure, narrow, pearly blade of light cuts into the room., slicing through the mullioned panes, on through the upholstered window seat and through the old rich hardwood.  It bisects the dense, wool 'Turkey' rug, the tip of my fine, black, leather bootkin, my left leg, including the like portion of my torso, shoulder and arm... And I sit and I contemplate...

Billy, the mortal who coordinates this tale for us, had a health scare. Not his soul. His soul was never threatened, just his body. He hates seeing physicians, but I make him. I insist. Oh, I could cure any earthly malady with a few drops of my blood... but he wouldn't have it. Nothing against night-folk. I realize that. It's simply his way... Thus the doctors... I made the necessary appointments, or rather a trusted 'familiar' (devoted mortal assistant) did and he went.... They took blood, in a far less subtle way than I ever would. They poked and prodded and made enlightened observations, or rather a certain singular 'general practitioner' did... The others came later, as did a whole subsequent series of blood tests, urine samples, cardiograms and sonic images of strategic internal organs... Then, after almost microscopic snippets of livery prostate tissue, plus a quick little bladder scan guaranteed to cause blood tinged orange-red urine for at least seventy two hours (Billy slept through the tissue harvesting and bladder scoping) they pronounced him 'fine.' or the closest they ever come to saying fine. As his 'guardian vampire' (well, what else am I?) I am exceedingly grateful to  relieved.

I love mortals... and not just as a food source. For I help many more than I cull... Edith, our mortal 'witchy woman' housekeeper says I see them as my own special ant colony. When she shares that I give her a bemused look and add - But I and the ants are different species. Mortal, I am not, but 'human' I am. Observe my body and the form of my being. A sea slug I am not.

--- Then he lapses into silence.... a homeless gentleman who does his best to hide that fact walks down the street, head down and lost in thought... sniff sniff sniff.... our vampire friend, Jonathon, picks up his scent... He sublimates his hand through the mullioned panes and carefully places a stack of five vintage silver dollars (each worth about forty times their face value) on the external brick sill... a magical bit of streetlamp illumination makes them glisten just so. The pathetically self conscious 'little tramp' allows his gaze to rise and sees them. He silently approaches pockets the treasure and continues... Jonathon watches through the slit between the draperies and smiles. It's a thing he does, placing stacks of sparkling, mint condition, antique silver dollars where the 'little tramp' will find them. He does the like for others too. Once in a while he slips in a truly valuable fifteenth century golden Venetian ducat. Through discreet mental imagery, each recipient knows the address of a fine, old basement level coin brokerage on Samson Street, in a way, Philadelphia's answer to Diagon Alley. The lucre is redeemed for a very fair price and a little bit of goodness seeps out into the world...

Our vampire, Jonathon, falls back onto the music, quietly playing on an small turntable in the darkness.... He mouths the words and sighs.... Billy has a good friend indeed...

Please clink THIS. I think you'll enjoy the song


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thank you and God bless...


  1. Are you tired of being human, having talented brain turning to a vampire in a good posture in ten minutes, Do you want to have power and influence over others, To be charming and desirable, To have wealth, health, without delaying in a good human posture and becoming an immortal? If yes, these your chance. It's a world of vampire where life get easier,We have made so many persons vampires and have turned them rich, You will assured long life and prosperity, You shall be made to be very sensitive to mental alertness, Stronger and also very fast, You will not be restricted to walking at night only even at the very middle of broad day light you will be made to walk, This is an opportunity to have the human vampire virus to perform in a good posture. If you are interested contact us on

  2. oh, God... now they're pushing 'vampire lessons?'.... (sigh)

  3. URGENT AND POWERFUL LOVE SPELL CASTER AND  LOTTERY WINNING DR GBOJIE  am from canada, would want to tell you all that i was able to put an end to my divorce issue and restore my marriage again, because i never wanted it to happen. i don’t know what came over my husband that he was filling for divorce, i etried to talk him out of it when he told me and he didn’t listen to me, i had no other option than to seek for the help of a spell caster and now am glad i did. Because if not for the help of spell, i don’t know what would have become of me by now because i loved my husband so much that i couldn’t stand loosing him. The spell worked like magic with the way and manner my husband change and started showing love instead of the divorce he was planning. i just too happy that everything is in place for me now. I would gladly recommend the use of spell to any one going through marriage problems and want to put an end to it. [ , was were i got the help to restore my marriage]

  4. My name is Karina, I'm someone who has lived a life seemingly in the background, I must say this final indignity I have suffered almost too much to endure. You see, I have been sickly and weak since the day I was born and doomed to go through all my life a weakling. I seemed to have always suffered from one illness or another and could never play with the other children as I so desperately wanted to. Mother always made such a big fuss over me, also, making the situation worse as the other boys teased me mercilessly after they saw it. I was browsing  the internet searching on how i could be transformed into a powerful when i came across the email of a man named Lord Mark. who was a VAMPIRE so I told him that I has always dreamed of becoming a  VAMPIRES, All i did was just to follow the procedure that i was been told, and i bet you that procedure I took change my entire life to something i ever desire, freedom, sickness free, pains free, fame, influence, connections and even more that i can. Thanks to Lord Mark. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:

  5. Being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:

  6. The darkness is all they could focus on. The determination to be a day-breaker competing daily for the last of the suns light overwhelming even the most mountain of firm unmovable bedrock not withstanding.

    The thoughts one has about themselves is often worse then what could ever be written by any mortal, human, the culled or vampire.

    Likenesses aside Billy (our unwavering faithful scribe) rustles the shadows of yesteryear and day. Journaling their wanton belief that they (the vampirinos and 'rinas) too may be healed by the fresh breath of the gloaming dsy's setting.

    Reflections are not seen nor known to be seen by the "night-folk". Desperately retelli g their tales is of no last resort for our beloved writer. Suvh as things may be, he comtinues to remember abd at times wishes he could write faster abd presere more soul-filled-stories.

    But alas the human conditikn alliws him no greater speed than his fingers, hands and heart can scribe.

    Believe you me, WilKravitz "Billy" is more than juat the "real" deal. He's surpaseedover a million words on AND We Are Damn Proud of him.

  7. The rain oh how it rained. Souls we speak of in this installation of how it rains. Countless times our dedicated scribe Sir William "Billy" "Wil" Kravitz toils amongst the hard to find umbrella that hasn't been knocked down, blowb away or carried away for "our" night folk to at least have a winking hope of surviving the sun's deathly approach. That's how it goes in the lives of those who can no longer be apart of the break of day. The moon is their only light they can be under. Far too many moond as one might guess do not provide a shelter from anything that roams the night's clock. Tick tocl the constant counting of nights that never seem to end. You see those who have been culled or "turned-vampire". Was strictly tl benefit. Help not hurt. Let live. Not die.

    Those who can not die do not complain. They (us) vare that badge with honor. Those of us whom Billy obseves, saves and ultimately guide into their new "skins". Yes, it's true one must take on the form of anothr human in order to survive. Often times. As gruesome or celebratory their transitions are our beloved scribe "WilKravitz" will be there. Amways. To cover yohr tears thst run more than a full rains storm.., all you have to do is ask for help. And help "Billy" will.

  8. Ah! The wind does but onky need whisper of the decending nights blanketed canvas. Vistas vastly well known by the hands not tides of time. Clasping one another in a rhythmatic motion to "cleanse" ones based upon current deviance; mind body or soul.

    Though the truth may be harder to see than a lie, the hands that wring out the wet clothes or strip the bird bare of its feathers cascading like rumors thrown into the air. Our gentle scribe bares the white knuckled edges of his trusted pen that strikes a match setting fire or rebirth amongst us "culled" folk.

    It's not a great misunderstanding or an impossible obastacle yet undefeated. Think only of the first last or best time "when". You'll find we are here. A trove of roaming spirits existing in the either.

    Smoke signals provide the distance to be had but the fire determines the lenghts in which you embark on and which ones to step aside of or to be brave.

    Bravity like Chivalry is nit a trade, mark or a lost art. Feeling uninspired? Don't dismsy. Here within these synapsis' of creaturss there lay a beast to rival. A man that can not be in lost hope for or who's gallantry unshared. Indulge your mind. Nurture your spirit and lighten your heart.

    We will nit bite. Unless provoked. But then agsin you can not rattle the cage of an unfed tiger for too long.

    It's the scope of humanity, morals and unique qualities that form our crew.

    Read on.Join. After one bite, you'll be able to throw a flame faster than the flick of a match.

    It's the pen that strikes the match!

  9. And what abilities agility and talent it takes to at least fake it until you make it.

    The words ringing in Sara's ear. The Beauty Pageants of amd any talentless politicos would shudder at her sheer volume of knowledge of what ome thinks is not unknown.

    Too much decorative talent gets lost in the trypitic forums hallz passage ways and endless staircases that connect direct confuse and protrude jauntingly with a wind of chester wood or cedared floorings of her once everyday visited rooms deserted.

    Paintimgs of the workds moat renowned painters hung from the wallz as if they coukd leap into conversation with other when no one else wad around.

    Sara pondered and queeried about her long nightzms spent hoping to if not be but understand their talented scales, dimenions and geometrically placed nuances' within each of each's own work.

    Talent such as those who's works of art dress her cocoon. The ivy leafed, mooss overgrown home had still become fruitful after all the centuries she and the brownstone had with hiod.

    Barkerz, Lawyers, Doctors, Artists, Dignitararies from the world over have either walked, danced, met, died, danced or slumbered were in shadows yhemselves upon the barrier called home.

    A lifetime of stories from every person who had (and many still do) graced the halls or walls of her home.

    Time has no talent. People Do. Faith does. Hope does. And love has more talent in her home than she could haver hoped for.

    Evrry one she knew, knows, has met and yet nit, reside within each stroke of a brush on each painting on her walls.

    These are my Friends. I am happy, grateful and content.

    And as she spoke each word again, switch by switch each light would be turned off.

    In the dark is where her heart knows that that takes talent.

    To live blindfolded to day dwellers but life as it was to her; it's only the dark can one see best, trip, skip rise fall and repeat.

    The wood flooring creaking the echos of her steps for at long ladt she has foubd her light in the dark.

  10. A meal, two, three, breakfast, afternoon tea a liquid diet for lunch, supper and dinner always the merriment swirled the moaring of the alligators swimming like snakes on sand err "fish out of water".

    A what a match that would strike! The embodiement of yoour enternal past, as it is with "us" (the vampirinas and O's). ., crossing the dots and dotting the eyes which supplantandgly gaze upon which nit a wreckage or battle scarred ship to to mast at its bottle popped champagne'ing glory. Set sail and glorify not the destination but each journeys' step towards the seperated but equadistanced desired locations.

    Some say that as a very matter of fact it is within each if us who live, thrive, die are only to be reborn "here"..


    Tell 'em.Billy sent ya! ;)

  11. "Cheers to now and for today, tomorrow, for the past, present and future, 'tis Sir William ("Billy" or "Wil" who've known him before he was "culled"). To health, hapiness for we journey together upon the 'morrow, echoing in the halls of yester years I give once, I give two and a three cheers!"

    Spirits were high and enveloped in the warmth of the, now vacant, rooms of the ivy engulfed from years of neglect (or respect, court's still out on that one) hanging like forgotten laundry in the wind. Voices never change. Tones mature Age. Grow. Live and teach others how to learn. Correct or nit there was a pounding in the echos sound. Brick never speaks, but walls, open windows to the dumbwaiters empty space haunting the brownstome to a chill never felt so deeply before. Should the rooms be closed and locked or clothed and tapestries withstanding, does a threadbare item still retain its warmth at days end and thru nights cold? So many questions, hearts broken find home within these walls.

  12. Many of yesterdays resolutions existed because we solved the conflicts when they first arose. Rather than elevating and devaluing the then increasing culling population, people were uneducated to disbelieve not only their abilities but time was truly on their sides. "The care no longer needs to focused on ne'er do wells a daring touch to the unknown social programs created by the unculled. Soccer moms, dads who worked too much, most of knew those programs would fly or fail.

    And I disagree, this is why no unculled person knows that their lives will be eternal, ever lasting and boring at times. However, those vein enough tended to take care of others first. What this paradigm proved was that the flux in time disorientated even the staunchest of characters. But water to mountain rock, water always won. Its liquid damage cheering on how little a human produced liquids when they either spat or peed. "We need to care for those who can not for themselves". A duty point boild into every receny culled.

    How can you be a valire or ess if you have fluids pulsating through your veins? You can't.

    Actusl truth. Its those scars most eons old hold as if a crown on their heads, heaviest because they too wear one. in other words follow the advice of ylur elders, treasure the short life times you will have with them. The golden goose can not produce an egg if does not know it will be valued.

    Don't EVER forget that. Ever.


    1. Beautiful Wil "Billy" Kravitz has had little knowledge about our futures. And based upon his past, even he has questions, but "When Everything Is Everywhere, what choices do you make?".

      Choices not as in what you're going to wear or if you use body wash or soap to bath. Who cares?

      Billy does. when he befriends you a strangely intoxicating family. magical sibling with grace,posture and impecibal breeding in your mirror's reflection will appear to all those who think they have secrets on you. Hailing Mary in tge darkness of a medicine chested bathroom folklore holds no water to Billy's trurh. Which to some may seem somehow disconnected at first..,

      All your secrets are never really only known by yourself even if your secrets have cost you your life. Or the face of a stupid drunks' Rouge’s determination.

      To KNOW Billy i.e., Sir William Kravitz is to know how only you can breath, live and pray.

      Finding your the truth may force you to reliquinish nasty habits, bunyonnes left unattended and the ever needing mani-pedi.

      Those choices can only lead to trouble…or something even more sinister.

  13. He did have to have Devil's soon learn from choices from what she made from everything was everywhere what was 12 do you learn to figure things out for himself which is what my father taught me not to do Reliance somebody else depend on somebody else you'll never make it how you figure it out on your own what could you order those none not one single letter nothing a word that not a single sentence in that is correct as much as I value his opinion when he came down to the true threat of doing the job and doing the work is what I treasure the most he was naturally into the mechanical parts of life like cars and planes and spaceships that flew into parts of the world that even a vampire can't go we all know that we're bound to this Earth by gravity and if we float away then well we're no longer flesh or blood or bones are skin or hair or nails so the float away in such a way that one could just be waitlist it's how they call you it's how they get you until they preserve you and your reverence reverence of that moment when they first discovered you the castle a time capsule they just want to send you the moon and never have changed for a million years I only want that capsule back that's it because it's no record of having been able to communicate with somebody else that they do you know how to talk to but didn't even know that knew that they could talk or how did they talk was it clicks and Taps and or is that poops in sing songs or was it straight up ABCDEFG we'll never know because the other worlds out there with other aliens that are soon as we vampires of this Earth will never be discovered by any living living on it right now go to treasure that moment I need to have that weightlessness when reading the pages of these here in you'll discover do you have wings whose feathers you never knew could fly

  14. Share your thoughts and opinions lest you decide to unknowingly cancel your membership cards are no good here. Just your indvidual voice of adventures from West Yorkshire LOOK for tales of summers wished by the ocean or be smart and READ tales from the worlds most elite in England who dont toss their tea into the ocean. My my what the fish may have thought of that discolored water. MEMORIZE not your location on a map but by foot as you treval through Pennsylvania cobble stone roads. Only three to start and only two can be in your budget? No one is charging for you to read only enjoy. Be ware of soothe sayers mooring the night light as we folk here say, "When everything is everywhere what choices do you make?" Our great orrator Wil Kravitz never wicked while kidding joking or reviving a hoped for shadow of tge moon. Enjoy. Read. Comment. Thank you. We're always here to help. KEEP READING to join in on the conversation.

  15. Stop. Step. Skip. Stop. His sound resonating with each breath shared to fond the other. Skip. Skip. Stop. Step. Let me know each diffusult his step was ro return. Stop. Step. Skip. Our heads bowec when greeting the other. The heart of our home, our Blue Healer stepped, stop, stood not , as I was,, that the sought the other. Matching a deep breath, each stopped, skipped and stood. Home again. Home Again, despite each other's injuries bodied. TWO souls met, match, were taken apart. Only the two could tump to know in harmony, they stood. Knowing they had found #HomeAgain.

  16. Light the fire burn it bright
    Keep away the flames while
    I have nothing left to fight
    Frowning to a new smile
    Human flaws right to compete
    They rise and rise to new heights
    Their flickers glowing in the night
    Held derp down mind's eyes blocked
    The hands of time tick tick tock
    Taken by an unknown being
    Again, eyes coverd not seeing
    Wishing you get first meeting
    A table a chair not pursuing
    The plates of silver and gold
    Definitely how to brake hold
    Hands tidy yes knuckles
    Are you okay? I have arms to hold
    Only a single match before the night turns cold
    This life of being me and not there
    A badge of sorrow I must always wear
    Proud to the n'th degree seen as who I am and being just me.

  17. Holy Cross of roads!
    My name!
    My name!
    You gave me the ability to use it again!!

    T. H. A. N. K. Y.O.U.


Share your thoughts and opinions. Long, guest-post-like comments are welcome. Enter as many personal links as you like. It's all good... but, if I may... please no obvious porn and no hate... thanks