
Monday, November 25, 2019

Our Vampire, Jonathon, really likes this - Ennchanted Forest - Magical Orchestral Music (Jon Brooks Music)

They told me it snowed this afternoon in Philadelphia. I, of course was snug in my dark sleeping chamber drifting through dreams of another age. That's what vampires do.... Old houses... Old scents... Old friends...  I've seen operas sung entirely by castrati.... and listened to harp songs played by the fingers of a headless, animated corpse arrayed in the garb of a thirteenth century queen.... Please know that the neck wound was not open and gory, but neatly stitched like the pipping 'round a little throw cushion.

It's cold now. I like that. The night air feels like glass. My vision. always keen, is especially sharp on winter nights. Granted, November is not true winter, but just the appetizer for what's to come. Sunday evenings are a bit quieter in the city. Automated, carefully designed Christmas window displays dance for ghosts. Most people are safe in their warm and comfortable apartments, or townhouses. Most people with money, for this is Center City and although accommodations are not quite as dear as what you'd find in Manhattan, they're dear enough... I feed on persons of wealth. They commit the most delicious crimes, not always 'illegal' in a statutory way, yet cruel and hateful just the same.

Tonight I took out a lawyer who nickled and dimed the accounts of lonely old ladies to death til it all vanished and they wound up in sour, urine stained nursing homes. But who cares about him. Slept through the whole thing. I just wanted that insect gone. In the morning, when his housekeeper gets there, she'll find nothing amiss. Probably think he's at work till she wheels her little supply cart into his room. .. Usually cleans the hardwoods first. Next comes dusting. Who knows? I'm speculating here. But when she goes over to strip the bed she'll see something... a thick, viscous, greasy mess... all that's left when the bodies 'burn.'  We use that word, though the 'cold' blue flame that follows vampiric exanguination is more like a rapid oxidation... related to true flame, but a little different. The press always calls it 'spontaneous human combustion.' I'm cool with that. Most vampires are cool with that. Makes things so convenient.

I saw something on the street tonight, after l left the lawyer's place. You see, I wander... mostly on the tiny narrow side streets... hidden arteries no snow plough clould ever clear. Cars get iced in all winter, immobile lumps til spring ... But this is four nights before Thanksgiving, not January. The sidewalk was clear. This afternoon's flurries were nothing. The thin, little rowhouses were dark. Maybe a bit of flickering TV illumination peeked out from draperies or shades here and there. City people are night owls, reticent night owls to be sure, locked inside their wired for security domiciles. You can see the little alarm company stickers on every front room window, as well as the small glowing street camera circles 'round every keyhole. No one could slip inside.. well no mortal anyway.

But this thing was different, for there coming toward me through the shadows was a man... a strange man dressed in the high neck linen and tall top hat of the early nineteenth century. He seemed solid, flesh and blood and all that, yet appeared to be walking on his knees, or the joints right beneath his knees. His gait seemed normal. His eyes were lucid. His bearing erect. Were his legs severed just below the knees?... No, his lower extremities were still there, walking along on the pavement as it was two hundred years ago. Ghosts never change. They remain as they were at death, mored in a world long gone. Street levels were lower in his day, thus the distortion... and he kept coming till he passed as if my body was not there. Did his image appear on any of those keyhole cameras?... I don't know .. 

But I'm sure they picked up my image... a rather spruce young man, all in black, wearing a trim zippered leather hip coat who reflexively shuddered in fear as the spiritual thing went through him...

Vampires aren't supposed to do that...

More tomorrow...

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  1. My name is Karina, I'm someone who has lived a life seemingly in the background, I must say this final indignity I have suffered almost too much to endure. You see, I have been sickly and weak since the day I was born and doomed to go through all my life a weakling. I seemed to have always suffered from one illness or another and could never play with the other children as I so desperately wanted to. Mother always made such a big fuss over me, also, making the situation worse as the other boys teased me mercilessly after they saw it. I was browsing  the internet searching on how i could be transformed into a powerful when i came across the email of a man named Lord Mark. who was a VAMPIRE so I told him that I has always dreamed of becoming a  VAMPIRES, All i did was just to follow the procedure that i was been told, and i bet you that procedure I took change my entire life to something i ever desire, freedom, sickness free, pains free, fame, influence, connections and even more that i can. Thanks to Lord Mark. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:

  2. Being a vampire is not what it seems like. It’s a life full of good, and amazing things. We are as human as you are.. It’s not what you are that counts, but how you choose to be. Do you want a life full of interesting things? Do you want to have power and influence over others? To be charming and desirable? To have wealth, health, and longevity? contact the vampires creed today via email:


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