
Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Exotic folk the world over recognised the cruise ship disaster for what it was. Witches knew. Vampires and prophets too. The aliens were getting 'playful.' I wonder if they have the ability to laugh? But eleven hundred people saw their vacation dreams end, as the eighthundred foot craft went headfirst into a monstrous, salty, wormhole. Think about it. The average tornado blends in with the clouds at approximately a thousand feet.  Most cities got semi-occupied office towers that tall. It's high, but our minds can deal with that. But think what it was like for some lovingly dressed little four-year-old. His mommy made sure he was all buttered up with the best sunblock she could find. His daddy got him the baseball cap he wanted in the shipboard emporium. He ate up all his pancakes and bacon at breakfast. And now he was waiting for his new friends, Max and Isabella so they could go play goofy-golf.

But then the wind picked up and the clouds began to swirl. Sea birds streaked away toward land. A chill wind mussed his hair. People whispered nervously. Stewards called in for assistance. Passengers struggled to maintain their footing. His daddy picked him up and held him tight. His mommy hugged them both. And no one said a word as the starboard side of the great vessel tilted down into the lip of the immense 'event horizon.'

The ship inscribed huge circles in the sea, till the waves grew bored and sucked them down. And then the screaming started, drowned out by the roar of a thousand Niagras. People fell out into the void, plummeting through a hellish tunnel of spinning death. Some were 'fortunate' enough to hit the perimeter and the pressure there took care of them. Others saw the sea bed, dry and tan in the flickering sun.. Six minutes later it was over. The waves grew calm and the birds came back.

The authorities investigated. But they didn't find much, just the typical stuff...a few deck chairs....some cushions.....a little red baseball cap......

And some how all the other problems of the world seemed to melt away. And a quiet, desperate peace came even to the Middle East, as the Three Musicians sang.

A call went out from Jerusalem. Jonathon heard it. So did the others. A vampire howl went round the world. .......'Not The Shepherd, but the sheepdog......Not The Shepherd, but the sheepdog........

It was time now.... Time to do The Shepherd's bidding. And the night time streets of The Holy City were white with vampire faces.

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