
Tuesday, December 11, 2018

THE HARMONICS of HEAVEN shaped the Earth ..Epic Chinese Battle Music - Sun Tzu

This one has no knowledge of those times, or even if time, itself, had any meaning then. This one only brings you the words of Immortal Entities I assume to be Gods... Their names are my inventions. The First One, I call 'Hero' for he ( I also assume their gender) speaks with assurance and authority. I feel deep vibrations when he talks. I see all manner of illuminations. The microbial souls of worthy mortals, both dead and not yet born, flow through the ether like impatient floaters in the eyes of aged scribes.

And when Hero first spoke those long ago words the harmonics of Heaven  reverberated against the heavy 'nothingness' of the void creating solid matter. It that way everything came to be. He was not the only one to speak, thus we have all manner of things... water... air.... bones... sand... fire...the seas within the womb and the seas without.... plus very many varieties of precious jade. This one could go on, but shall refrain from doing so.

After a random number of aeons Earth came to be. Initially the land was home to very many surprising and colorful beasts, the seas even more so... all ruled by clans and tribes of  powerful, intelligent dragons.... After time beyond measure the dragon-folk gathered wealth that was also beyond measure and wearied from life on the surface of the Earth-Orb preferring to fly off to other orbs for in these early ages air filled the firmament out to the utmost frontiers of the empire of your Sun-Star...

When the Dragon-folk left the remaining surprising and colorful beasts were perplexed. Who would eat their excess children, or trample noise makers? Who would maintain the invisible barriers? Who would reward collaborators and pluck the brains from colorful beasts too smart for their own good? Chaos can be frightening. Potatoes must be mashed after all. Then the beasts known as humans stepped forth saying --- Behold our nimble fingers. Listen to our glittering speech. Allow us to help you....... And the bewildered creatures agreed..

Thus the age of Man was born, incorporating all manner of Dragon things as well as other additional measures. The nimble fingers fashioned weapons. The cunning minds made rules. Some of the other surprising and colorful beasts attempted to fly off to other worlds, but the ether had changed. The air so very necessary to life no longer filled the space between them. Each orb hung suspended in it's own thin veneer of gaseous protection. A Heavenly Vibration swept the rest away. The worlds became discreet and separate places so that none might infect others with sickness of the spirit in addition  to sickness of the flesh... Soon after Man invented war. Hate came next. Oh, it was always there in the shadows, but now it was self-proud and dressed for battle.

Hero (the First One) said - Let us cull the ranks of men, removing every blighted soul.... and the human mutation you call 'vampires' or night-folk appeared.. .. For a time all went well. Evil strong men were no more. War and hate and capricious death became rare. But Man and especially the Rulers of Men will not be denied. Their spies stole night-folk secrets and turned weak vessels to their own devices... Princes flattered, or threatened, vampires. They studied their ways and wrote the information down. Early versions of the venerable tome those of you who regularly visit this site know as La Ciencia Vampirismo appeared.

Were there still 'noble' night-folk who attempted to cull the wicked?.... Yes, but they became a remnant. ... Warlords kept powerful 'noxious' types as cosseted pets and discovered many enchanted secrets, like how to 'breed' refined examples of life-eaters and fashion special weapons for particular deeds.

Browse through the 'One Million Words,' for that's how much they share here. I'm sure the 'Billy' person who helps facilitate this miraculous souffle will include a key, or 'link' down below.

Please permit this coherent entity, none but a disembodied spirit, time to rest and float through worlds no mortal can know,

Tomorrow we explore how elferinos and elferinas came to be... Join us and 'know.'

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thank you.


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