
Tuesday, January 8, 2019


I don't even remember how I got here. I don't know. Maybe I do, but I kjust don't think about it. I don't even know my name. Looked for a wallet. Couldn't find one. No tattoos. No nothing. Woke up one night with fangs. I call them fangs, but they're really just slightly lengthened, sharp cat teeth. And the part about avoiding the day is instinctive. Even before I'd accepted what I am, I knew enough to hide under the bed, so to speak. No yellow light from the sun. I sit in a little dried plank shack. Who knows? Maybe some prospector built it? One night I paced it out. Guessing it's nine feet wide by sixteen feet long.Got a pounded dirt floor with a little door in it. Goes down to a cellar. That's where I sleep.

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