Some guy types away on a laptop under a weak, focused beam from a recessed ceiling fixture. It's 'wilkravitz' (Okay, you know it's me, BILLY)
He stops typing, looks up from the screen... addresses the camera.
BILLY - They had an idea... a vampire blog... an ongoing journal
detailing their lives, histories and secrets.. Not fiction.
never fiction. We only pretend that it is. Sometimes
they talk and I type. Sometimes I record what I see on
this little audio thing and type it up later. Occasionally
one of them 'sends' stuff telepathically. I'm not the best.
But I try. They tell me I'm pretty accurate, but I think
that's because the 'senders' are vampires and they got this
whole magic-energy-power thing. Maybe that's what does
it. I'm just guessing.
But they're starting to blame me for everything. Vampires
like a certain amount of 'controlled' notoriety. They're
vain. Edith says it's not really that they're vain. They're
just self-conscious about being different. You know, no
matter what they say, they really never stop being human,
just a different kind of human. They want to be accepted.
They want to be understood. And this is real life. I'm not
talking about them leather and lace posers you read about
everywhere else. Jeez, you know what Jonathon does
every year when Hanukah time rolls around? He makes
little, dark, blue velvet, drawstring gift bags. Fills 'em
with like ten silver dollars, maybe some gold foil wrapped
chocolate coins. And you know how much real silver
dollars bring. He walks the streets, giving them out to poor
people. Some are regulars. They wait for him every year.
And he's done this for like three hundred years, maybe
more. I don't know if he did it in Europe. I don't know.
Tells me it's my fault some TV or movie guy doesn't notice
'us'. Actually bought a copy of THE HOLLYWOOD
think it is. Had me make up these really nice proposals...
query letters, synopsis'... all that stuff... on real expensive,
heavy stock too. Believe me. I got the paper cuts, or at
least the scars from them, to prove it. Sent out maybe
sixty of them. Most never responded. I included stamped
envelopes, postcards, everything. A few scrawled 'nope'
on the postcard and that was it. One or two tried to be
polite about it. But it always came down to the same
thing...'recommendations'.... 'who sent you's?'.... and we
just got the wrong kind a 'uncles.' What else can I tell you?
Sarah don't mind too much. She just does her thing and
keeps quiet. But Jonathon minds. It hurts him. I can tell. It's not like anyone on the other side of the velvet ropes
ever read their stories and THEN said no, 'cause that
ain't happened... not even once. They just say 'no.'
Jonathon stares at them rejections and says - They won't
even sanction my right to exist.... Then he lights an
aroma candle (vampires love aroma candles) and sits in
the corner.
The whole idea behind the blog was to draw attention
and it still is. They're not gonna stop. I'm not gonna stop.
How can I? And we have had almost a hundred and forty
thousand 'hits.' Sure some're spam. Everybody gets spam.
But not too much, 'cause I keep track of it. First year we
got zilch. Page views I mean. Second year we got maybe
a little more than zilch. Third year was better. And you
know how grateful we all are for each and every one of
you... 'readers' I mean.
But if you got like a friend, or cousin who 'knows
somebody, and if you like what we put out there,
please point them our way.
Thank you. I didn't mean to go on like this, but you
know how it is... And I gotta stop now and get a drink
'cause my throat is so dry from talkin' so much..
Sighs, gets up. Goes over to the big, stainless steel, French door, refrigerator, takes out a two liter plastic jug of iced tea, screws off the top and guzzled it right from the container... Then he puts it back, closes the fridge, turns off the laptop and flips off the light.
The screen goes black, save for the words VAMPIRE WONDERLAND IS REAL...
for more click on here~>PHILADELPHIA AFTER DARK ... or join us on TWITTER ~>BILLY'S PAGE ... obviously you know we really appreciate and value your comments, so please post one down below. thank you.
Some guy types away on a laptop under a weak, focused beam from a recessed ceiling fixture. It's 'wilkravitz' (Okay, you know it's me, BILLY)
He stops typing, looks up from the screen... addresses the camera.
BILLY - They had an idea... a vampire blog... an ongoing journal
detailing their lives, histories and secrets.. Not fiction.
never fiction. We only pretend that it is. Sometimes
they talk and I type. Sometimes I record what I see on
this little audio thing and type it up later. Occasionally
one of them 'sends' stuff telepathically. I'm not the best.
But I try. They tell me I'm pretty accurate, but I think
that's because the 'senders' are vampires and they got this
whole magic-energy-power thing. Maybe that's what does
it. I'm just guessing.
But they're starting to blame me for everything. Vampires
like a certain amount of 'controlled' notoriety. They're
vain. Edith says it's not really that they're vain. They're
just self-conscious about being different. You know, no
matter what they say, they really never stop being human,
just a different kind of human. They want to be accepted.
They want to be understood. And this is real life. I'm not
talking about them leather and lace posers you read about
everywhere else. Jeez, you know what Jonathon does
every year when Hanukah time rolls around? He makes
little, dark, blue velvet, drawstring gift bags. Fills 'em
with like ten silver dollars, maybe some gold foil wrapped
chocolate coins. And you know how much real silver
dollars bring. He walks the streets, giving them out to poor
people. Some are regulars. They wait for him every year.
And he's done this for like three hundred years, maybe
more. I don't know if he did it in Europe. I don't know.
Tells me it's my fault some TV or movie guy doesn't notice
'us'. Actually bought a copy of THE HOLLYWOOD
think it is. Had me make up these really nice proposals...
query letters, synopsis'... all that stuff... on real expensive,
heavy stock too. Believe me. I got the paper cuts, or at
least the scars from them, to prove it. Sent out maybe
sixty of them. Most never responded. I included stamped
envelopes, postcards, everything. A few scrawled 'nope'
on the postcard and that was it. One or two tried to be
polite about it. But it always came down to the same
thing...'recommendations'.... 'who sent you's?'.... and we
just got the wrong kind a 'uncles.' What else can I tell you?
Sarah don't mind too much. She just does her thing and
keeps quiet. But Jonathon minds. It hurts him. I can tell. It's not like anyone on the other side of the velvet ropes
ever read their stories and THEN said no, 'cause that
ain't happened... not even once. They just say 'no.'
Jonathon stares at them rejections and says - They won't
even sanction my right to exist.... Then he lights an
aroma candle (vampires love aroma candles) and sits in
the corner.
The whole idea behind the blog was to draw attention
and it still is. They're not gonna stop. I'm not gonna stop.
How can I? And we have had almost a hundred and forty
thousand 'hits.' Sure some're spam. Everybody gets spam.
But not too much, 'cause I keep track of it. First year we
got zilch. Page views I mean. Second year we got maybe
a little more than zilch. Third year was better. And you
know how grateful we all are for each and every one of
you... 'readers' I mean.
But if you got like a friend, or cousin who 'knows
somebody, and if you like what we put out there,
please point them our way.
Thank you. I didn't mean to go on like this, but you
know how it is... And I gotta stop now and get a drink
'cause my throat is so dry from talkin' so much..
Sighs, gets up. Goes over to the big, stainless steel, French door, refrigerator, takes out a two liter plastic jug of iced tea, screws off the top and guzzled it right from the container... Then he puts it back, closes the fridge, turns off the laptop and flips off the light.
The screen goes black, save for the words VAMPIRE WONDERLAND IS REAL...
for more click on here~>PHILADELPHIA AFTER DARK ... or join us on TWITTER ~>BILLY'S PAGE ... obviously you know we really appreciate and value your comments, so please post one down below. thank you.