Saturday, August 30, 2014

West Side Story-America..imagine version in future, multi world AMERICA with REAL aliens... 8/30/14

One of the brightest most inspirational numbers in American Theater. But picture a future place... the United Worlds of America... Huge star ships enter our space via the eye of a GIGANTIC hologram of The Statue of Liberty.... Vast, Ellis Island-like sorting center... immigrants pass through full body cattle in a cattle chute.... lots of yelling... scared, desperate families... some essentially human... some humanoid... some a little bit squishy for my taste... But FUTURE AMERICANS ALL! Pushing and jostling to this song.

I picture it as a scene in EL RANCHO TEXACO, my How The West Was Won epic (I hope) on Mars. Can't help it. I got dreams too, you know. If you like, google EL RANCHO TEXACO by Billy Kravitz and poke around. No vampires, but we do have a few chupacabras out on them red plains of Mars. Go see~>

Would have posted a regular narrative episode, but had to do a lot of #ff stuff on Twitter and want to be fresh for Labor Day Weekend activities tomorrow (means I gotta sleep). Can't rely on sugar rush to stay awake, 'cause I ain't got no cookies. And somebody 'messed' with the apple pie in the refrigerator, so that's off limits (torture knowing it's in there though).

Watching AVATAR on FX... Really like that movie... Now, I'm thinking it's Disney's POCCAHONTAS (can't spell Old Algonquin) on Pandora instead of Virginia...Humans should re-evolve tails...prehensile ones...just like monkeys.


<more next time>


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