What if we still had elections and kids still went to schools with crossing guards? But what if every school was a charter and all the children were segregated by faith, race and income? What if everyone knew the elections were arranged, gerrymandered affairs, but no one dared say a word?
How bout if the food available in supermarkets was keyed to neighborhood income and the government put tracking and surveillance chips in every car?... What if the government went 'melting pot' with a vengeance, only there were a few pots and if you didn't fit their idea of what your reality should be they simply made you disappear. No one notified your family. No one listened to their concerns. No one cared.
did they kill the non conformists?... No, they enslaved them.
The North American plains contain huge slave farms. Agribusiness thrives. Fossil fuel thrives too. Safety features are non existent. You fall in the fire... you die.... You lose your balance and slide into the processing machine... you die. The cheap, common grade 'food' has a little more bone meal and protein, that's all.
Should an innocent 'subject' wander into the vicinity and see the ''farms,' they vanish too. If a citizen gets a peak, nothing happens. Who cares about the helots?
Obviously, no 'subject' gets a car. Some are covertly 'treated' with fertility drugs. After all, the nation needs workers. Merit means nothing. Your whelps do what you do. Look, there are enough well connected, plugged in citizens and they have a whole lot of sons, daughters, nieces and nephews. What do they need your crap for?
You know who the worst are?... the first level, front line white collar, clerical types. After all, they take lunch in Arby's. Subjects eat at the trough.... You make a face. You disappear. You fail to smile and cheer when they want you to smile and cheer, you go bye bye.
Subjects take vacations at sex camps in the country. Got to keep up the herd.
And then there's THE RED ROOM a place where slaves fight to the death for big wigs in luxury boxes... a place where drug companies choose test specimens and surgeons and biologists pick 'lab rats' so they can play Mister Potato Head with men, women and children to their hearts' delight.
Well fixed citizens have domestics. Never human servants. That would be too dangerous. They might steal weapons, or escape, or learn things. Android home aides are the norm.
You know The Stepford Wives?.... Well, everyone's a 'Wife.' Even rich folks know not to see, or think too much. Those that do, for social crusaders crop up from time to time, suddenly lose their sight, or maybe a limb. They never wind up on the farms. Slaves might learn something.
And the population of the nation?... a nice comfortable sixty five million..
Everything's quiet. Silent, self driving electric cars ply the cantonments where the citizens live. Subjects crowd into non airconditioned, or heated buses. Don't want to encourage too much mobility.
No one votes. The Party controls everything. No one knows who's in The Party. No one knows if newcomers are ever recruited. Rulers remain anonymous. Things seem to happen in and of themselves.
That's how it is.
Legions pray for salvation...
But it's hard to hope too much, when no one knows who even 'winds' the machinery.
THE RED ROOM ... on (one day, I hope) NETFLIX.
<back to Jonathon's Tale next time, unless you want more of THE RED ROOM?>
Now they tell me to tell people who might like to browse all Vampire Wonderland episodes to go to FeedreaderOnLine.com and then subscribe to Vampire Wonderland... or, as always, just click OLDER POST down below to see what you might have missed.
click THE KIDS ARE OK ... to join me on Twitter. COMMENTS are greatly appreciated. thank you.
How bout if the food available in supermarkets was keyed to neighborhood income and the government put tracking and surveillance chips in every car?... What if the government went 'melting pot' with a vengeance, only there were a few pots and if you didn't fit their idea of what your reality should be they simply made you disappear. No one notified your family. No one listened to their concerns. No one cared.
did they kill the non conformists?... No, they enslaved them.
The North American plains contain huge slave farms. Agribusiness thrives. Fossil fuel thrives too. Safety features are non existent. You fall in the fire... you die.... You lose your balance and slide into the processing machine... you die. The cheap, common grade 'food' has a little more bone meal and protein, that's all.
Should an innocent 'subject' wander into the vicinity and see the ''farms,' they vanish too. If a citizen gets a peak, nothing happens. Who cares about the helots?
Obviously, no 'subject' gets a car. Some are covertly 'treated' with fertility drugs. After all, the nation needs workers. Merit means nothing. Your whelps do what you do. Look, there are enough well connected, plugged in citizens and they have a whole lot of sons, daughters, nieces and nephews. What do they need your crap for?
You know who the worst are?... the first level, front line white collar, clerical types. After all, they take lunch in Arby's. Subjects eat at the trough.... You make a face. You disappear. You fail to smile and cheer when they want you to smile and cheer, you go bye bye.
Subjects take vacations at sex camps in the country. Got to keep up the herd.
And then there's THE RED ROOM a place where slaves fight to the death for big wigs in luxury boxes... a place where drug companies choose test specimens and surgeons and biologists pick 'lab rats' so they can play Mister Potato Head with men, women and children to their hearts' delight.
Well fixed citizens have domestics. Never human servants. That would be too dangerous. They might steal weapons, or escape, or learn things. Android home aides are the norm.
You know The Stepford Wives?.... Well, everyone's a 'Wife.' Even rich folks know not to see, or think too much. Those that do, for social crusaders crop up from time to time, suddenly lose their sight, or maybe a limb. They never wind up on the farms. Slaves might learn something.
And the population of the nation?... a nice comfortable sixty five million..
Everything's quiet. Silent, self driving electric cars ply the cantonments where the citizens live. Subjects crowd into non airconditioned, or heated buses. Don't want to encourage too much mobility.
No one votes. The Party controls everything. No one knows who's in The Party. No one knows if newcomers are ever recruited. Rulers remain anonymous. Things seem to happen in and of themselves.
That's how it is.
Legions pray for salvation...
But it's hard to hope too much, when no one knows who even 'winds' the machinery.
THE RED ROOM ... on (one day, I hope) NETFLIX.
<back to Jonathon's Tale next time, unless you want more of THE RED ROOM?>
Now they tell me to tell people who might like to browse all Vampire Wonderland episodes to go to FeedreaderOnLine.com and then subscribe to Vampire Wonderland... or, as always, just click OLDER POST down below to see what you might have missed.
click THE KIDS ARE OK ... to join me on Twitter. COMMENTS are greatly appreciated. thank you.
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