Now CUE the music! Read! And let the show begin!
This time it all comes out. This time you'll know. Oh, I've spilled tiny little droplets for the last nine years, but now I tell it all. 'Vampires' you call us 'vampires?' Well that, my best beloveds is but a microscopic fragment of what we really are. Do you remember the tales of Madame Chang? Are you familiar with our 'Papa?' What know ye of the Lady Renate?... Ah, I've awakened memories, have I?.. Good. That is as it should be. Can you visualize the Earth encased in a green sea carapace? Beyond the clouds are waves... Do you know those times? We're you there for the Vampire Revels, or what happened in London deep within the 'House on Hoxton Street?'.... a place where the good emperor Marcus Aurelius still lives... a place where sleek dragons snake silently through the night.
Who speaks to you now? Well, who has always spoken to you. Who shared insights into ancient tomes and hidden wisdom from La Ciencia Vampirismo itself? Though that compendium of knowledge is but 'Cliff Notes' when compared to the real thing...
I am who I've always been. I am Jonathon ben Macabi. I am Tomas de Macabea. I am 'night-folk.' I am yours... the ordained ambassador from the Multiverse in its entirety to your little part of the forrest.... Shhh... can you feel it?Are you willing?... a subtle vibration... a tiny 'zing' .... a feather light touch that tickles every singularity in your body.... You are here. You are there. You are everywhere... The 'Magic' is the magic... Never think of it as evil. It is not that. The Magic is the One True Thing. You, imprisoned by your physicality, comprehend a small part of it. I understand a bit more... You know my story. I was once mortal too, till 'Papa' rescued me.... for one thousand years a 'vampire' striking the silver tipped heels of my black leather bootkins and sending sparks o'er the cobbles of cities the world over.... That was my 'sign'... my signal to the prey -- run, although it never did them any good. How I loved the chase..... But know ye that only those deserving of death were taken... Oh, I know that I've occasionally filled your heads with bits of something else, yet those have been contrived conceits designed to appeal to lazy minds incased in old lies and hatreds... They needed to see vampires like that. Ancient falsehoods are tastier than truth... You know how that is..
And now you shall know more...
Why did you read this? Well, it's simple. This is put here so you might find it. All of it is put here so you might find it. Since the first keystroke of Vampire Wondeland on that fabled August night all those years ago. That's how things start. Every journey begins with a footstep... or a small, little digital click.
Did you know this tiny seemingly ordinary star system you call home was created to be your nursery? Every planet and moon serves a purpose. Jove (great Jupiter) with his almost sun-like gravity draws in comets and asteroids so you won't have to. The Moon was born to steady your dance through the night and tilt Earth's axis just enough to call forth seasons. It also provided an ever enticing stepping stone tempting you into the star strewn sea. Mars was put there for the same reason... a second challenge, so to speak... a bit like home, a bit not... See what you can do with it. And out beyond the asteroid belt lies Great Jupiter with its planet-like moons, a toy solar system to teach you vital lessons before you touch the stars, for the sons and daughters of Europa await. (Google the moon Europa... You'll find out).... Those familiar with the Vampire Wonderland might already know. Like I've said, snippets we've shared since the beginning.
But there are keys. You can find more. Click KEY
ONE to enter... and then hit that free subscribe thing when you get there for all doors to open.. Then, if you have not already done so, click KEY
TWO to join up with that mortal who helps us curate it all. I believe it's his Twitter site.
Now permit me to take my leave... an 'eighteen year old' image with long dark wavy hair, for I must make my way upon the venerable streets of this old town and dance the dance that ends in death... To my old friends I say 'hasta la proxima'... To new friends I bid a most sincere welcome...
The 'Magic' is the magic... Learn a little...
And if you have not yet done so, kindly listen to the music up above, a most worthy piece you'll almost certainly enjoy... as you will, I hope, the rest of our world...
remember the subscription is free... and the truths we share are very real indeed... Raise the curtain. Step inside. Everything is everywhere... Come and see...
Bon Voyage!