Sunday, November 16, 2014

I think this arc is the best thing on the whole blog~~>Billy Kravitz' vampire wonderland: 42ND BINGO BOY episode 12/12/12

Billy Kravitz' vampire wonderland: 42ND BINGO BOY episode 12/12/12: BINGO BOY - post 42 Nobody in the narrow, little row house near the el tracks slept much that night, except the baby. Jimmy bunked in wit... The whole BINGO BOY arc is one long continuous story... and NO VAMPIRES...Not a paranormal tale. Real life... Rough life... peppered with a bit of humor and incongruity. Grandmom's bingo hall was never like this...unless it was.

Love... murder... kidnapping... extortion...We got it all. 

All I know is, for the older couple, for the family oriented former dominatrix and her bad guy - good guy Ukrainian emigre prisoner cum boyfriend, I see Goldie Hawn and (if he's healthy enough) Burt Reynolds. For the younger ones, I don't know. See what you think. Maybe you got ideas. Scroll around. It began on 11/1/12 or 11/2/12, I think and runs for anout two months...maybe a little longer.

I hope you want to see the whole thing. 

Very grateful, as always,



click - and scroll down to 11/1/12 to start.

click - to join me on Twitter so we can talk about it, plus any links or projects you have too.

We all gotta believe.... See it... Do it... Be it...

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